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The Orville Wiki

Captain Ed Mercer meets with the Admirals at Union Central.

Admiral is the highest known flag officer rank within the Union Fleet of the Planetary Union. Admiral ranked directly above captain. Admirals typically worked in administration, especially in Planetary Union Central on Earth, although some fleet admirals commanded Leviathan-class heavy cruisers. Vice Admiral was a rank within the Admiralty.

The responsibilities and powers of an admiral were broad and probably divided into portfolios. For example, Admiral Perry seems to have been in charge of diplomatic affairs: He oversaw first contact with Regor 2 and diplomatic talks with the Nazh;[1] managed the signing of the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3;[2] and attended the Planetary Union Council during the crisis over the The Sanctuary, a refuge for Moclan females.[3]

The collective body of admirals was known as the Admiralty, based at Union Central. The Captains of Union vessels are bound to respect and obey the desires of their commanding Admirals. Admirals from each member species of the Union were voting members of the Planetary Union Council. The Chairman of the Council wore a highly unusual variant insignia of black and gold, implying perhaps a higher status than other admirals.

Admirals wear purple uniforms. Their insignia was a circle of golden stars as opposed to the silver insignia of all other ranks. The Council Chairman of the Planetary Union Council wears a highly unusual variant insignia of black and gold.



Union Fleet Admiral's shoulder bars.





