The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

Al Mosley, usually addressed as Mosley, was a human Captain in the Planetary Union. Mosley was captain of the USS Wilson around the year 2416. In an alternate timeline, Mosley transferred to the USS Jefferson sometime later


In 2416, Mosley captained the USS Wilson. Under his command was Ensign Talla Keyali and First Officer Barrett. He led a mission to the Okudum of the fourth planet of HR 5070. The Wilson remained in orbit as Talla spent several days on the planet's surface, covertly studying the Okudum. Mosley was very interested in why the Okudum so strongly resembled Xelayans and whether a large deposit of dysonium could be mined.[1]

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline where Ed Mercer never became captain of the USS Orville and the Kaylon won the Battle of Earth, Mosley transferred from the Wilson to the USS Jefferson, a much larger Leviathan-class heavy cruiser, sometime between 2416 and mid-2419. Kelly Grayson served as his First Officer.[2]

Around September 2419, Mosley led the Jefferson helping Admiral Ozawa rendezvous with the Orville.[2]

In January 2421, Mosley led the Jefferson on a trip to an unnamed space station for a cargo transfer before heading to Outpost 73.[2]


  • Mosley is based on Yaphet Kotto's performance as chief engineer Parker in the movie Alien.[3]
  • The name Mosley is taken from Mosley in the movie Midnight Run, also played by Kotto.[3]


