Alcuzan is the current President of the Planetary Union.
He is portrayed by Bruce Boxleitner.
New Horizons[]
In 2422, he led the peace treaty negotiations with the Krill in the Planetary Union Central on Earth. He then joined a delegation visiting the Krill homeworld to ensure the success of the treaty. However, in a coup Teleya took over Krill and imprisoned the delegation. She tried to execute them, stabbing Alcuzan. Union ships were able to rescue them and Alcuzan was able to recover from the injury. He then addressed the Union Council. Alcuzan was also made aware of the fact that Captain Ed Mercer had a daughter with Teleya and chose to leave it to Ed's discretion as to what was to be done regarding her.[1]
When Heveena came before the Council to reveal that she maintained the underground network for the Sanctuary and that the Moclan government had abducted Topa, Alcuzan attempted to peacefully allow the Moclans to agree to an investigation to no avail. The Moclans were very nearly released given Heveena's lack of hard evidence before Bortus and Kelly Grayson brought the wounded Topa before the Council. Subsequently, the Council unanimously voted to exile Moclus from the Union.[2]
After the Battle of Draconis 427 and the Kaylon understanding that not all organics shared the attitudes of their Builders, Alcuzan negotiated with Kaylon Primary, offering the Kaylon a provisional membership in the Planetary Union, with the possibility of becoming full members should they so desire it, the Kaylon accepting the offer.[3]