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The Anhkana teaches that vengeance is the will of Avis. His will shall be done.Teleya[1]

Avis was the god of the Krill people as recorded in the Anhkana, the Krill holy book.


Avis was the violent and supreme deity in Krill religion. He extolled vengeance,[2] taught that which is not Krill is soulless,[3] and commanded Krill to take up a "divine fight" against non-Krill species.[2]

Avis was depicted in the Anhkana as an enormous Krill with long protruding spikes or horns and dressed in a red garb. He seemed to supernaturally destroy a group of people with his hands.[3]

In the main government building on Krill, Avis is depicted in a statue as if shouting.


  • When Malloy first hears the name "Avis", he immediately recalls a 21st century car rental company by the same name and keeps trying to reference that fact, such as quoting the company's tag line "We try harder" as a prayer before a meal.
    • When the Krill children ask why humans don't worship Avis, Malloy replies that humans have their own god named Hertz, which was a rival car rental company at the same time period.
    • Since the episode Krill aired, creator Seth MacFarlane has used the name outside of the show in jokes. When Hertz announced that it would withdraw its car rental company program with the National Rifle Association, MacFarlane responded, "In the name of Avis, well done".[4]
  • The name "Avis" was chosen by The Orville's writers simply as a name, without any jokes in mind. Comparisons to the car rental company only came after.[5] The word itself is Latin for "bird."[6]



