The Battle of the Resistance was a military conflict between the Kaylon and the Resistance on the surface of an unknown planet. The battle took place in an alternate timeline around October 2421, in a reality where the Kaylon had won the Battle of Earth in February 2421 and continued their campaign to eradicate the galaxy of all biological life.
Alara Kitan, Chief of Security on the USS Orville during the Battle of Earth, led a Resistance cell on a base of an unnamed planet for months.
The Kaylon attacked the base by land. According to Alara, it had been a long-standing policy of the Kaylon not to destroy Resistance bases from space so they could capture and interrogate Resistance members to learn the locations of other cells.
How the Kaylon learned of the base's location is unknown. The Kaylon may have observed activity on the planet for some time, or the recent visit of a scavenger ship might have drawn their attention.
Dozens of Kaylon attacked on foot in a slow charge from the surrounding forest. Resistance fighters took positions, equipped with PM-488 Titans and PM-44s and managed to kill some Kaylon, but were ultimately overwhelmed. It is presumed that the Kaylon captured or killed all Resistance members of the base in a decisive victory.
The battle was a complete loss for the Resistance base. However, the fighters held off the Kaylon to allow a scavenger ship to flee with containers of beta-secretase. Doctor Claire Finn later used that protein to reset the timeline.