Season 1[]
Old Wounds[]
- Janice Lee - Rapidly aged 100 years by her own quantum accelerator and died
- Krill destroyer - Lost with all hands, having been destroyed by a redwood tree which had been rapidly matured by the quantum accelerator.
Command Performance[]
- N/A
About a Girl[]
- N/A
If the Stars Should Appear[]
- Krill destroyer - Destroyed with all hands by the USS Orville.
- Pria Lavesque - A native of the 29th century, Pria's existence in the 25th century was erased after the Orville destroyed the wormhole from where she came.
- Kakov - Destroyed with all hands by the USS Orville.
- 19 colonists are confirmed dead on Kastra 4 following a raid by the Kakov.
- Barring Teleya and her classroom, the crew of the Yakar are killed by an amplified burst of UV light caused by Ed Mercer.
Majority Rule[]

Tom was killed on Sargus 4.
- Tom - Shot while attempting to escape Social Correction on Sargus 4.
Into the Fold[]
- Drogen - Stabbed then shot by Claire Finn.
Cupid's Dagger[]
- Untold Navarians and Bruidians are killed during the Navarian-Bruidian conflict.
New Dimensions[]
Mad Idolatry[]
- Valondis - Stabbed in the back by the Man in Red Robe.
Season 1.5[]
New Beginnings, Pt. 1[]

The Tzel war.
Though no deaths occur in the present era, several Planetary Union soldiers are seen falling to the Tzel in a flashback to circa 2320. The wreckage of a Union fleet including the BCV Cons- is seen.
New Beginnings, Pt. 2[]
Though no deaths occur in the present day, the majority of the crew of the BCV Burton are revealed to have been killed.
Season 2[]
- N/A
Primal Urges[]

35 Nyxians remained on their doomed homeworld so their race could survive.
- 35 Nyxians - Killed when the planet Nyxia is engulfed by its sun, having been chosen to stay behind via a lottery while a group of 30 were taken to safety by shuttlecraft ECV-197-1.
- First Minister Hallan Theece
- Serris - Murdered by the "Borrins".
- Floratta Borrin - Shot with her own PM-32 by Alara Kitan.
- Cambis Borrin - Shot by Alara Kitan.
Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes[]
- Unidentified Krill destroyer - Crew massacred by the Chak'tal.
- In addition, three one-man Marauder-class fighters are destroyed by the Chak'tal.
All the World is Birthday Cake[]
- Several Regorian security guards - Shot by Kelly Grayson and Bortus in their attempt to escape a Giliac camp.
A Happy Refrain[]
- N/A
- N/A
Identity, Pt. 1[]
- At least six Kaylon units - Shot by USS Orville security personnel.
- At least fourteen Orville crew members - Shot by Kaylon boarders.
Identity, Pt. 2[]

Captain Marcos.
- Featuring the destruction of dozens of vessels and the loss of untold hundreds of crew members across three fleets, Identity, Pt. 2 hosts potentially the greatest death toll of any episode of The Orville as yet.
- USS Roosevelt - Destroyed with all hands by Kaylon Spheres 29 and 31.
- Unidentified Orville Ensign - Ejected into space by the Kaylon.
- A single Kaylon guarding the Armory is shot by a PM-488 Titan wielded by Yaphit.
- Two Kaylon guarding the Shuttle Bay are shot by the same PM-488 Titan wielded by Bortus.
- Two Krill destroyers - Destroyed with all hands by Kaylon Sphere 15.
- Sphere 15 - Destroyed with all hands by Dalak's Krill destroyer.
- Kaylon Primary - Beheaded by Isaac.
- Kaylon Secondary - Shot by Isaac.
- Kaylon Tertiary - Shot by Isaac.
- All Kaylon aboard the Orville (dozens) - Deactivated by an EM pulse transmitted by Isaac.
- Battle of Earth - Numerous vessels of the Planetary Union, Krill and Kaylon fleets are destroyed or heavily damaged.
- CCV Hawking
- USS Quimby
- At least two Orville crew members are killed as a result of hull breaches on decks E and F.
Blood of Patriots[]

Lieutenant Orrin Channing.
- Orrin Channing - Killed when a vial of Envall blood detonates
Lasting Impressions[]
- N/A
- N/A
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow[]
- N/A
The Road Not Taken[]
- Note: All casualties are from an alternate timeline.
- 1 Kaylon interceptor-class sphere - Destroyed with all hands by shuttlecraft ECV-342-1.
- USS Orville - Is lost with all hands while transporting Claire Finn to the past.
- Claire Finn - Erases her own history after performing a memory wipe on the past Kelly.
Season 2.5[]
Launch Day, Pt. 1[]
- N/A
Launch Day, Pt. 2[]
- N/A
Heroes, Pt. 1[]
- N/A
Heroes, Pt. 2[]
- Aki's father and mother - Killed by Nazh soldiers in an effort to draw out Talla Keyali and capture her
- Ilis - Beheaded by Aki
- A Nazh soldier is killed by Aki with a sword
Digressions, Pt. 1[]
- N/A
Digressions, Pt. 2[]
- Note: All casualties are from an alternate timeline.
- A Kaylon sphere attacks Outpost 73, killing many, including Cassius
- Kaylon attack Epsilon Eridani Station, killing many
- In the Battle of Earth, many ships are destroyed. Almost all of the Orville's senior crew dies, including the captain and Steve Newton. The Kaylon raze Earth itself, leading to untold numbers of dead.
Artifacts, Pt. 1[]
- Three people die and 16 are injured when Professor Lamarche takes over the Orville's helm in search of the Zankon fleet.
Artifacts, Pt. 2[]
- N/A
Season 3[]
Electric Sheep[]
- Though no deaths occur in the present day, Amanda was shown in Charly Burke's flashback to have been killed when the USS Quimby was destroyed by the Kaylon during Kaylon invasion of Earth.
- A Union was destroyed during the battle in Marcus's nightmare.
Shadow Realms[]
- N/A
Mortality Paradox[]
- N/A
Gently Falling Rain[]
A Tale of Two Topas[]
- N/A
Twice in a Lifetime[]
- A Kaylon convoy destroys dozens of Union ships and a space station in Sabik 3 killing many.
- The Kaylon convoy attacks the Orville killing several.
From Unknown Graves[]
- Though no deaths occur in the present day, the Kaylon's massacre of the Builders was shown via flashback.
Midnight Blue[]
- N/A
- Battle of Xelaya - Entire Kaylon fleet.
- Two security officiers - shot by Team Echo.
- Admiral Perry - killed in the destruction of his shuttle.
- Battle of Draconis 427 - numerous Union, Kaylon, Krill and Moclus ships and starfighters are destroyed or damaged.
- Dalak - killed in explosion of his ship.
- Kalba - shot by Kaylon Primary.
- Charly Burke - killed in explosion.
Future Unknown[]
- N/A.