This category is for all characters in The Orville. Due to extreme page length, some content on minor characters has been moved:
- Category:Minor Environmental Simulator characters
- Category:Minor Krill characters
- Category:Minor Multiphasic Planet characters
- Category:Minor Planetary Union characters - For any minor character primarily observed or mentioned to be affiliated with the Planetary Union regardless of species. Does not include minor USS Orville characters or characters whose primary identity belonged to their homeworld.
- Category:Minor Regorian characters
- Category:Minor Sargun characters
Other species[]
Minor Alibar Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Alibar Officer | Officer | Alibar | Launch Day, Pt. 1 |
An unnamed Alibar officer ordered First Officer Kelly Grayson and Captain Ed Mercer to register at the registration officer, incorrectly believing them to be visitors from another region of the planet. | |||
Alibar Registrar | Registration Attendant | Alibar | Launch Day, Pt. 2 |
Ed and Kelly visited an unnamed Alibar registration office attendant, but she spurned them, saying they were closing soon for Launch Day. She found information on Ycil when they told her that he had served in the Planetary Union. | |||
Alibar Restaurant Owner | Restaurant Owner | Alibar | Launch Day, Pt. 1 |
An unnamed Alibar restaurant owner served lunch to Kelly and Ed, telling them that Launch Day would aright the problems of Alibar society. When the two did not have money to pay for the meals, she chased them and called for the police. | |||
Ycil's Mother | N/A | Alibar | Launch Day, Pt. 2 |
An unnamed Alibar woman gave birth to Ycil in the 24th century. She lived in the planet's capital city. In 2401, the Alibars left the Planetary Union and Ycil moved back home to live with his mother. Ycil died sometime thereafter. When she met with Ed and Kelly, she told them that it was a shame her son passed before Launch Day, and she blamed him for bringing "invaders" to the planet that killed Alibars. Afterwards, she called the police on them. She was part of the planet's shift to a new universe in 2421. |
Minor Bruidian Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Bruidian Ambassador | Ambassador | Lopovius | Cupid's Dagger |
![]() The Bruidian ambassador In the early winter of 2420, the Bruidian ambassador was sent on a mission of diplomacy to the USS Orville. His mission was to oversee Union research on an ancient birthing bucket recovered from the planet Lopovius's original inhabitants. For years, the Bruidian and Navarian species had waged a protracted and bloody conflict for control over the planet, both sides claiming descent from the early inhabitants over 30,000 years ago. If genetic material could be found on the bucket and tested, the Bruidian and Navarian governments agreed that a genetic match with either of them would establish rightful domain over the planet. The Bruidian and Navarian ambassadors arrived with their staffs, and hostility between the two erupted almost immediately in the Orville's Shuttle Bay. However, each ambassadorial team maintained a friendly attitude toward the Union officers, and Captain Ed Mercer successfully calmed each side down. Examination and testing of the bucket by the Union forensic archaeologist Darulio took a week, an amount of time that strained the tenuous peace between the species. During that time, the ambassadors frequently clashed, vowing escalating forms of attack on each other. Several days in, the ambassadors began to suspect that the Union was plotting to manipulate the results for the other side. With Darulio's analysis still a day away from completion, hostility erupted into all-out war. Both ambassadors hailed their governments' war fleets. Second Officer Bortus, as acting captain, confiscated their comscanners and confined them to their quarters. Unfortunately, the fleets had already been hailed, and both militaries prepared for a showdown over Lopovius. Thankfully, Darulio knew how to buy the Union time: Nurse Henry Park synthesized an artificial version of Darulio's powerful sex pheromones and planted it on the ambassadors. They were tricked into touching each other, thereby sharing the pheromones with each other and falling deeply in love. The Bruidian and Navarian ambassadors called off hostilities and proudly announced their romantic relationship to all. They left arm-in-arm, and a temporary peace in hand. Bruidian Ambassador is played by Derek Mears. |
Minor Calivon Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Calivon Zoo Administrator | Zoo administrator | Calivon Zoo | Command Performance |
![]() The condescending administrator of the Calivon Zoo Isaac along with Alara met the Calivon Zoo Administrator within his office to discuss freeing of Ed and First Officer Kelly Grayson. After Isaac failed to convince him, Alara negotiated their release in exchange for archives of 21st century reality. The Administrator accepted. The archives quickly became his most popular zoo exhibit ever. The Calivon Zoo Administrator is played by JD Cullum. | |||
Calivon Offician #1, Calivon Official #2 | Zoo staff | Calivon Zoo | Command Performance |
Calivon Official #1 and Calivon Official #2 were the credited titles of two employees of the Calivon Zoo. They marveled at the archives of 21st century reality television left to the zoo by Alara in exchange for Ed and Kelly. In awe, they asked what reality television is before the Calivon Zoo Administrator answered, "The best exhibit we've ever had."[1]
Calivon Official #1 is played by Ryan Dietz; Calivon Official #2 is played by Shannon McClung. | |||
Calivon Mother, Nidal | N/A | Calivon Zoo | Command Performance |
![]() A Calivon mother ![]() Nidal The credited title of the mother is Calivon Mother, and she is portrayed by Sarah Buehler. The credited title of Nidal is Calivon Child, played by Armen Nahapetian. |
Minor Horbalak Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Blavaraj | Ice Cream Vendor | Outpost 47 | Artifacts, Pt. 1 |
Blavaraj sold ice cream at Blavaraj's Horbalak Ice Cream on Outpost 47 in 2421. |
Minor Jahavus Dorahl's Species Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Dissident | Reformer | Bio-ship | If the Stars Should Appear |
The Dissident was a young male member of the Reformers, an underground resistance movement on the bioship, murdered by a violent mob. In late October or early November 2419, he was captured by Hamelac's enforcers. In the capital city, Hamelac incited a mob to beat him to death. Kelly asks Hamelac why he did that and he replies, "The people do as they wish; and today, they wished to carry out the Word of Dorahl."
The Dissident is played by Justice Hedenberg. | |||
Uniformed Man #1, Uniformed Man #2, Guard #1 | Enforcer, Enforcer, Enforcer | Bio-ship | If the Stars Should Appear |
Enforcers were law enforcement agents on the bio-ship during Hamelac's reign. Two enforcers patrolling the countryside by vehicle found Alara and Kelly, and demanded to see their identification. When the women do not comply, the men shoot Alara and knock Kelly unconscious. They took Kelly by car to Hamelac and left Alara for dead.
Another enforcer guarded the entrance to Hamelac's office building in the capital city. Ed and the crew needed a way into the building to rescue Kelly, so Ed approached the guard speaking nonsense designed to confuse him. Ed hugged and then stunned the guard. The team opened the door and Ed dragged the unconscious guard inside the building. The credited titles of the two enforcers who find and capture Alara and Kelly are Uniformed Man #1, played by Michael Duisenberg, and Uniformed Man #2, played by Derek Graf. The credited title of the enforcer guarding Hamelac's building is Guard #1, portrayed by Eddie Davenport. | |||
Tomilin's mother, Tomilin's father | Farmer, Farmer | Bio-ship | If the Stars Should Appear |
Tomilin's mother and father owned a farm on the outskirts of the bio-ship's interior ecosystem, living with their son in a cabin. The parents were followers of the Word of Dorahl, and the mother was afraid of punishment from Hamelac for heresy. When Ed, Isaac, and Claire knocked on their cabin door, Tomilin's father shot at Ed with a shotgun; Isaac stunned him with a PM-44. They asked Tomilin's mother questions about their ship but she did not understand and feared they might be from the "Underland." Tomilin however realized the crew was from "the Beyond" (outside the ship's ecosystem), which his mother chastised him as blasphemous thoughts.
The credited title of Tomilin's mother is Woman, and is portrayed by Julie Mitchell; the title of his father is Alien Man, and is portrayed by David Hutchison. | |||
Leiken | Reformer | Bio-ship | If the Stars Should Appear |
Kemka told Leiken to bring food for their guests, the visitors to the farm house belonging to the Reformers.
Leiken is played by Nick Marietta. |
Minor Habitable Moon Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Feral Alien Man, Feral Alien Woman, Feral Alien #5, Feral Alien | N/A | Habitable Moon | Into the Fold |
The people of a habitable moon poisoned their water with the toxin Paloxus, and those who did not die were rendered horribly disfigured. As food supplies dwindled, survivors resorted to cannibalism to avoid starvation.
One feral man attempted to kidnap Ty Finn, presumably to eat him. He was shot and stunned by Isaac, then he fled into the forest. A group of several male cannibals waylaid Ty, Isaac, and Marcus Finn, who demanded the children. Isaac easily dispatched them with his PM-44 and observed that the men were seriously ill and starving. Many feral aliens noticed the trail of Claire, who was traveling through the forest to find her children and Isaac. They stalked Claire in the night until she reunited with her group, and then attacked the group en masse. Isaac and Marcus held their assailants at bay with PM-44s until the Orville arrives. Most of the cannibals were played by unidentified actors. Feral Alien Man and Feral Alien Woman are played by Brett Easton and Heidi Pascoe respectively. Feral Alien #5 is played by Brandon Melendy. Tim Soergel plays an uncredited role as Feral Alien. |
Minor Kaylon Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Kaylon Guard #1 | Guard | Shuttle Bay, USS Orville | Identity, Pt. 2 |
![]() Kaylon Guard #1 Captain Ed Mercer persuaded the guards to take Talla to Sick Bay. The two guards conversed briefly in their language, and this guard agreed to escort the two to Sick Bay along with Doctor Claire Finn. The guard monitored Claire reviving Talla until Isaac arrived and took them to the Briefing Room. Ultimately, this unit deactivated along with all other Kaylon aboard the Orville when Isaac activated a large electromagnetic pulse. Kaylon Guard #1 is portrayed by Paul Rogan. |
Minor Nazh Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Harassing Nazh #1, Harassing Nazh #2 | Soldier, Soldier | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 1 |
Two Nazh soldiers harassed Aki as she drew water from a well, demanding she draw water for them to taste. They were scared off when Talla Keyali intervened.[2] A week later, one of the two men (it is not clear which), figured out that Aki knew Xandia's whereabouts.[3] | |||
Juggernaut Fighter #1, Juggernaut Fighter #2 | Soldier, Soldier, Soldier | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 2 |
Mining foreman Ilis ordered the deployment of the Juggernaut, a large tank, with a complement of fighters. The group entered the Okudem village, believing the Okudem to be hiding her, but Xandia called to them from the nearby mountains. Xandia easily overpowered the men and tied them up. | |||
Nazh #1, Nazh #2 | Soldier, Soldier | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 1 |
Mining foreman Ilis sent two Nazh soldiers in pursuit of Ed Mercer and John LaMarr who were observing the Nazh from a cliff. Ed and John gave them the slip by cloaking their shuttle, but the soldiers found their footprints.[2] Nazh #2 sported a prominent scar running down his right eye. A week later, foreman Ilis orderded Nazh #2 to drive the Juggernaut to find Xandia. He and his soldiers were overpowered and tied up. Later, the Juggernaut driver was part of a trio that stormed Aki's home to look for Xandia. Not finding her, they slaughtered Aki's mother and father, then used their corpses as bait to capture Xandia. The driver was present at Talla's execution when Aki (dressed as Xandia) appeared and killed him and Ilis.[3] | |||
Nazh #3, Nazh #4, Nazh #5 | Soldier, Soldier | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 1 |
Two Nazh stormed into Aki's house and grabbed her father, forcing him to mind dysonium. When Aki tried to stop them, the Nazh knocked her down and nearly shot her, but were interrupted by Talla dressed as Xandia.[2] At that point a third Nazh soldier appeared from an alley. Talla grabbed the third Nazh and threw him into the others, driving them off. Their humiliating defeat was reported to foreman Ilis, who ordered his men to deploy the Juggernaut.[3] | |||
Nazh Miner #1, Nazh Miner #2 | Soldier, Soldier | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 2 |
Two Nazh oversaw mining operations while most soldiers took a Juggernaut tank to hunt Xandia. With most of their fighters gone, John and Claire Finn were easily able to sabotage the mining equipment, confusing the miners. Meanwhile, the Juggernaut returned with its men bound. Nazh Miner #2 finds a note on their bodies promising that foreman Ilis would be next. |
Minor Nyxian Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Altox | N/A | Nyxia | Primal Urges |
Altox was husband to the late First Minister Hallan Theece and father of their child, Nathius. Around September or October 2420, he lived in an underground bunker with Hallan and Nathius as their sun devoured their planet. Altox and Nathius escaped to the USS Orville after winning a lottery for a spot on a shuttle.
In her last moments alive, Hallan fondly remembered her days with Altox during their marriage. She bid him "to make a life out there with Nathius; a beautiful life among the stars." It is presumed that the Planetary Union resettled Altox, Nathius, and the remaining Nyxians on another Union planet. Altox is played by Michael C. Mahon. | |||
Nathius | N/A | Nyxia | Primal Urges |
Nathius was the daughter of First Minister Hallan Theece and Altox. Around September or October 2420, she lived in an underground bunker with her parents as their sun devoured their planet. Altox and Nathius escaped to the USS Orville after winning a lottery for a spot on a shuttle.
It is presumed that the Planetary Union resettled Altox, Nathius, and the remaining Nyxians on another Union planet. Nathius is played by Veronica Matheu. Matheu is listed in the credits as Nyxian Girl. |
Minor Okudum Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Aki's Father, Aki's Mother | Miner | Okudum homeworld | Heroes, Pt. 1 |
An Okudum man and woman were parents of Aki on the Okudum homeworld. In 2416, the family hosted Talla Keyali in their home. (Talla was studying the the people under the guise of an Okudum traveler visiting the village.) After Keyali left, the advanced Nazh came to the area and enslaved the Okudum to mine deposits of dysonium by hand.[2] Mining sickened Aki's father by 2421. It seems the Nazh did not force Aki's mother to mine. Instead, she worked in the home and raised Aki. Both Aki's mother and father were killed by Juggernaut Driver and two other Nazh to use their corpses as bait to capture Xandia.[3] |
Minor Retepsian Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Retepsian Delegate | Ambassador | Planetary Union Council | Sanctuary |
A female representative was a member of a two-person ambassadorial delegation from Retepsia to the Planetary Union Council in the matter of "The Sanctuary."
Retepsian Delegate is played by Kathrin Middleton. |
Minor Unk's Species Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Unk's friend | Environmental Simulator programmer | N/A | Primal Urges |
A friend of Lieutenant Unk's and from the same planet. At Bortus' request, this unnamed individual designed a Moclan orgy program for the Environmental Simulator. He programmed the simulation quickly, ostensibly to impress a Union officer, and asked Bortus to tell his friends about him. However, the program contained a highly destructive computer virus that disabled the Orville's Food Synthesizers and helm control and nearly destroyed the ship. |
Minor Xelayan Characters[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Serris | Caretaker | Xelaya | Home |
![]() ![]() Serris deceased ![]() Serris' cottage Serris is played by Chris Flanders. | |||
Terlus | N/A | Xelaya | Home
(mentioned only) |
Terlus was the fiance of Solana Kitan. Her father, Ildis Kitan, remarked that "it took him long enough to propose." | |||
Xelayan Delegate | Ambassador | Xelaya | Sanctuary |
Xelayan Delegate was the ambassador of Xelaya to the Planetary Union Council during the debate over "The Sanctuary," a secret refuge for Moclan females. He ultimately sided with a different representative against recognizing The Sanctuary as a sovereign state, stating he believed the matter was an internal problem for Moclus and that recognition would set "a dangerous precedent" and create a slippery slope.
Xelayan Delegate is played by Mark McClain Wilson. |
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Navarian Ambassador | Ambassador | Lopovius | Cupid's Dagger |
![]() The fiery ambassador of the Navarians In the early winter of 2420, the Navarian ambassador was sent on a mission of diplomacy to the Orville. His mission was to oversee Union research on an ancient birthing bucket recovered from the planet Lopovius' original inhabitants. For years, the Bruidian and Navarian species waged a protracted and bloody conflict for control over the planet, both sides claiming descent from the early inhabitants over 30,000 years ago. If genetic material could be found on the bucket and tested, Bruidian and Navarian governments agreed that a genetic match with a modern species would establish rightful domain over the planet. The Bruidian and Navarian ambassadors arrived with their staff, and hostility between the two erupted almost immediately in the Orville's Shuttle Bay. However, each ambassadorial team maintained a friendly attitude toward the Union officers, and Captain Ed Mercer successfully calmed each side down. Examination and testing of the bucket by the Union forensic archaeologist Darulio took a week, an amount of time that strained the tenuous peace between the species. During that time, the ambassadors frequently clashed, vowing escalating forms of attack on each other. Several days in, the ambassadors began to suspect that the Union was plotting to manipulate the results for the other side. With Darulio's analysis still a day away from completion, hostility erupted into all-out war. Both ambassadors hailed their governments' war fleets. Bortus, as acting captain, confiscated their comscanners and confines them to their quarters. Unfortunately, the fleets had already been hailed, and both armies prepared for a showdown over Lopovius. Thankfully, Darulio knew how to buy the Union time: Nurse Henry Park synthesized an artificial version of Darulio's powerful sex pheromones and planted it on the ambassadors. They were tricked into touching each other, thereby sharing the pheromones with each other and falling deeply in love. The Bruidian and Navarian ambassadors called off hostilities and proudly announced their romantic relationship to all. They left arm-in-arm, and a temporary peace in hand. Navarian Ambassador is played by J. Paul Boehmer. |
Unidentified species[]
Name | Rank, Position | Location | Appearances |
Furry Alien | Zoo captive | Calivon Zoo | Command Performance |
![]() The "furry alien" Furry Alien is played by Jeremy Guskin. The descriptor "furry" has brought confusion to fans who note that the alien is hairless and fish-like with slick, slimy skin. |
Other minor characters: Fictional characters[]
Name | Appearances |
Jeff Bellman | A Happy Refrain
(mentioned only) |
A fictional character from Doctor Claire Finn's favorite movie, Mind of Hermes, completed in 2035. Evidently, Bellman was capable of astounding recollection of facts through rote memory as Claire compared Isaac's recall of trivia to him. | |
General | Heroes, Pt. 1 |
The General was a villain from an Okudum historical fiction novel about Xandia. The General led an oppressive military force until Xandia, a young farm girl, roused the Okudum in revolt. In the book, the General is seen standing over a "little girl," saying, "Now, you will get what you deserve." He raises his sword but is interrupted by Xandia. |
All items (210)
- Makkal
- Man in Red Robe
- Marcos
- Marcus Finn
- Mooska