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For all minor Krill characters on The Orville:

Minor Krill Characters
Name Rank, Position Location Appearances
Arnak Tactical Officer Kakov Krill (mentioned only)
Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (mentioned only)
Teleya told "Chris" (Ed Mercer) and "Devon" (Gordon Malloy) that her brother Arnak had been the tactical officer aboard the Kakov before it was destroyed in battle against the Orville and Arnak died. Gordon later claimed they were close friends aboard the Kakov, took baths together, and people called them "Darnak."
Captains Guard / Chapel Guard Soldier Yakar Krill
A guard searched fruitlessly the Yakar's chapel for Chris and Devon, but the pair were able to escape to their quarters.

The credited title of the characters is Captains Guard / Chapel Guard, played by Dirk Rogers.

Kalavus N/A Unknown Blood of Patriots (mentioned only)
Mentioned by Ambassador K.T.Z. as his mother's maiden name.
Krill Bridge Helmsman Helmsman Yakar Krill
A bridge officer alerted Captain Haros when the Yakar entered orbit of Rana 3.

Krill Bridge Helmsman is portrayed by Jordan Lane Shappell.

Krill Captain Captain Yakar Old Wounds
Krill captain 1

The Krill Captain.

Krill Captain referred to the captain of a Krill destroyer that attacked the Epsilon Science Station on Epsilon 2. He was aggressive and violent, sending a raiding team to the facility to capture the quantum accelerator and nearly destroying the Orville. He died in September 2419 when Ed tricked him into activating the accelerator inside the destroyer, causing a redwood tree to rapidly grow and obliterating his own ship.

Krill Captain is played by Joel Swetow.

Krill Captain Captain Unidentified destroyer Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
Krill captain 2
This Krill Captain was the commanding officer of a Krill destroyer that captured the shuttlecraft ECV-197-4, carrying Captain Ed Mercer and Lieutenant Janel Tyler. He was responsible for interrogating Ed for his command codes. He is presumed dead after the Chak'tal attacked his ship in late 2420.

Krill Captain is played by Michael Traynor.

Krill Captain Captain Unidentified destroyer Launch Day, Pt. 1
Krill captain Launch Day

This Krill Captain was the commanding officer of one of eight Krill destroyers which passed through Union space on a course to the independent Alibar system to destroy the mysterious Alibar structure which the Krill believed to be a weapon. Alongside Captain Kratok, he met with Captain Ed Mercer and Commander Kelly Grayson aboard the USS Orville. During the discussion, he observed that the structure was putting out large amounts of quantum interference to hide its purpose.

Krill Guard Soldier Yakar Krill
Krill Guard patrolled the hallways of the Yakar. He lowered his guard when Chris suggested that the wall near them could use a black velvet painting of Avis, and Chris knocked him out. Chris draged him into an empty room and then took his plasma gun.

Krill Guard was played by Brandon Melendy.

Krill Pilot Pilot Identity, Pt. 2

Show no mercy! We fight for the glory of Avis!— Krill Pilot[1]

Piloting a Marauder-class fighter, this Krill pilot took the lead against the Kaylon during the Battle of Earth. Turning to a fellow fighter, he found it piloted by a human, Gordon Malloy.

Krill Pilot is played by Jon Root.

Krill Boy Student, Krill Girl Student Student, Student Yakar Krill
A male and a female pair of Krill children attended school under Teleya on board the Yakar. When Chris and Devon visited the classroom, the children asked questions of Humans and Earth.

The credited titles of the children are Krill Boy Student and Krill Girl Student, portrayed by Caleb Brown and Gabriella Graves respectively.

Krill Second Officer Second Officer Identity, Pt. 2
A Krill Second Officer served under Captain Dalak aboard his Krill destroyer.

Krill Second Officer is played by Stephen Blackehart.

Krill Soldier Soldier Unnamed Krill destroyer Old Wounds

Krill soldier.

A Krill soldier barked commands to others while storming the Epsilon Science Station in search of the quantum accelerator.

Krill Soldier is played by Dylan Kenin, who also played Captain Haros in the episode Krill.

Krill Soldier Soldier


A Krill soldier greeted Chris and Devon as they exited the shuttle. He instructed the pair to follow him to the Bridge.

The character's credited title is Krill Soldier, played by Tim Neff.

Krill Voice Soldier


Krill Voice is the credited title of a male Krill officer aboard the Yakar who spoke with Chris and Devon. As the shuttle from the Kakov approached the ship, he told them: "This is the Yakar, identify yourself." After scanning the shuttle, he allowed them to enter.

Later, the same person carried out orders from Captan Haros to place a guard on Chris and Devon. When the Yakar's command learned that Chris is a Union operative, that person announcds a shipwide search for him.

Krill Voice is performed by Fred Tatasciore.

Krill Voice Soldier Unnamed Krill destroyer Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
When the Krill destroyer he was on is attacked by the Chak'tal, Ed Mercer heard an announcement in Krill. Teleya explains to him that the ship had been boarded.

The Krill Voice is also performed by Fred Tatasciore.


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