The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

For minor characters of the Planetary Union. Note that due to page length concerns, this list does not include members of the USS Orville or characters whose primary identity belonged to their home planet, all of which may be found here:

Minor Planetary Union Characters (not assigned to USS Orville)
Name Species Rank, Position Location Appearances
Adjutant Human Adjutant Planetary Union Central Identity, Pt. 2
A male adjutant reported to Admiral Tom Halsey on Earth a Priority One communinque received from the USS Orville, warning the Planetary Union that the Orville had been taken over by a Kaylon fleet headed for Earth. In response, Halsey ordered the adjutant to recall the entire Union Fleet to Earth.

Adjutant is played by Alveraz Ricardez.

Alien Delegate Unknown Ambassador Planetary Union Council Sanctuary
An ambassador of an unidentified species represented his planet at the Planetary Union Council's debate over "The Sanctuary," a refuge for Moclan females. He argued that the problem was an internal matter for Moclus, not the Planetary Union, to which the Xelayan delegate agreed.

Alien Delegate is played by Bo Kane.

Captain of the USS Bleriot Human Captain USS Blériot Command Performance
Bleriot captain

The simulated Blériot captain.

The Calivon simulated the captain of the USS Bleriot through a buoy equipped with a holographic generator. He tells Ed that the Krill had attacked their ship but emerged largely unscathed.

Captain of the USS Bleriot is played by Jerry O'Donnell.

Captain of the USS Bohr Human Captain USS Bohr Launch Day, Pt. 1
Captain of the Bohr

The captain of the Bohr.

An unnamed human male served as the Captain of the USS Bohr in 2400. In December, he ordered Ensign Gordon Malloy to shuttle Ensign Ycil from the ship to Alibar.

Cheva Unknown Captain USS Sagan Digressions, Pt. 2
In an alternate timeline where Ed Mercer never became captain of the USS Orville, both Ed and Cheva applied for captain of the USS Sagan. Ultimately, Cheva won the position.

The character's name is probably a reference to Cherry Chevapravatdumrong, a writer on the show.

Conductor Human Civilian Shuttle Bay, USS Orville A Happy Refrain
When the Planetary Union Symphony visited the USS Orville in late 2420, the conductor led the orchestra in a performance of several songs. He opened with "something a little light," which was "Singing in the Rain."

Conductor is a cameo by Mark Graham, the head of music preparation on the show.

Druyan Captain Unknown Captain USS Druyan If the Stars Should Appear
Druyan Captain refers to the commanding officer of the USS Druyan, a colony transport attacked by the Krill in early October or late November 2419. During the rescue of the USS Druyan, the Captain sent an emergency distress message to all Union ships, which was answered by acting captain Bortus of the Orville. After a brief but fiery battle, the Krill ship is destroyed. The captain of the Druyan reports injuries but no fatalities.

Druyan Captain is played by Casey Sander.

Felson Unknown (probably Human) First Officer USS Watson Digressions, Pt. 1

(mentioned only)

In an alternate timeline where Kelly Grayson did not date Ed Mercer, Felson served as First Officer of the USS Watson. He transferred off the Watson in October 2419.
Fincher Unknown Professor Union Point Cupid's Dagger

(mentioned only)

Fincher was professor of interspecies diplomacy at Union Point while Kelly Grayson attended as a cadet. Kelly recounted that Professor Fincher had falsely told others that she wanted to hook up with him. Enraged, she pushed him into a pool.
Greg Malloy Human Construction or engineering New Jersey, Earth About a Girl
Lasting Impressions (mentioned only)
Greg Malloy was the father of Gordon Malloy, born in the late 2370s. He worked in construction, building space stations.[1]

When Bortus left his baby in the care of "two drunk dudes", namely Gordon himself and John LaMarr, Gordon was reminded of his own father. Though he stated that he missed his father,[2] which sounds like Greg had died, Gordon later talked about him in the present tense to the simulation of Laura Huggins, leaving his status unclear.[1] According to The Guide to The Orville, Greg had a sister who lived in Albany, New York.[3]

Harry Leidecker Unknown Mining Chief Kastra 4 Krill
Harry Leidecker is a mining chief and leader of a new Planetary Union colony on Kastra 4. Leading up to the Battle of Kastra 4, the enemy Krill saw the planet as a vulnerable, resource-laden colony, and thus an easy target.

The Krill destroyer Kakov attacks Kastra 4 in December 2419, pummeling the colony from orbit. Leidecker sends an emergency distress call to all Union ships, and the Orville responds. After a tense battle, the Orville destroys the Kakov and saves Kastra 4. A battered Leidecker says that the colony survives but dozens were killed by the Kakov with at least 19 already dead.

The full credited title of Leidecker is Mining Chief Harry Leidecker. He is played by Michael Dempsey.

Jacobs Human Helmsman USS Watson Digressions, Pt. 1

(mentioned only)

In an alternate timeline where Kelly Grayson did not date Ed Mercer, Jacobs served as Helmsman of the USS Watson. He transferred off the Watson sometime between September 2420 and January 2421.
Jann Dann's species N/A Plednizak The Guide to The Orville
Jann was the younger sister of Dann. The pair were raised by three parents (as was the custom in their species) on the planet Plednizak in a two-dome cabin by Lake Trillik. Dann said that growing up, he once trapped Jann in a force field so he could play with his terrazon blocks without her bothering him.[4]
Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel N/A Resistance Fighters Resistance planet The Road Not Taken
In an alternate timeline, these rebels were part of the Resistance, a group of former Planetary Union officers who re-grouped following the Battle of Earth. The four worked in a base on an unidentified planet under Alara Kitan. All four died or were captured by Kaylon around October 2421 in the Battle of the Resistance.

Rebel is played by Chris Marroy. Three more uncredited rebels are played by Randy Jay Burrell, Kit Stølen, and Stephen J. Lineweaver - the latter two being cameos.

S. J. Lineweaver N/A Architect N/A The Guide to The Orville
Doctor S. J. Lineweaver was chief architect of the Union fleet in the late 24th century. He led a team that designed the latest iteration of the Exploratory-class vessel, Class A, beginning in 2384 and finishing in 2387.

S. J. Lineweaver is named after Stephen J. Lineweaver - yet another cameo by the show's production designer.


All items (3)
