Many planets in the Milky Way galaxy are known to the Planetary Union in the early 25th century. As of 2420, the Planetary Union contained over 300 member planets (and probably many more colonies and outposts). However, that number barely charted a fraction of the billions of planets that lied within the galaxy.
Name | Episode Appearance |
Alamak 3 | A Happy Refrain (mentioned only) |
In late 2420, Doctor Claire Finn delivered to Captain Ed Mercer an update on the vaccine shipment to Alamak 3.
Alamak is an actual star most commonly known as Gamma Andromedae, about 350 light years from Earth. | |
Alibar | Launch Day, Pt. 1 |
![]() Alibar being invaded by the Krill | |
Antares 2 | Deflectors (mentioned only) |
Cassius taught a biohistory class on Antares 2 which included the children of Groogen, a Katrudian.
In the real world, Antares, also designated Alpha Scorpii, is the brightest object in the constellation of Scorpius. It is located roughly 600 light years from Earth, a distance which the Orville's quantum drive can cross in 60 hours, 2 and a half days. | |
Arboreus Prime | Into the Fold (mentioned only) |
Renowned vacation planet with rides, entertainment, and hotels that floated in the sky. In early 2420, Commander Kelly Grayson said that it was raining all over the planet. Doctor Claire Finn, her sons Ty and Marcus, and Isaac meant to visit the planet for a holiday but their shuttle was sucked into the gravity well of a Class-2 spatial fold. A dockmaster on the planet reported to the USS Orville that they never arrived. | |
Calivon | Command Performance The Road Not Taken (mentioned only) Digressions, Pt. 2 (mentioned only) |
![]() The home world of the Calivon. Host of the highly advanced Calivon species and their Calivon Zoo. | |
Chara 3 | Krill |
Host of a former Union colony, destroyed in a Krill raid by the Krill destroyer Yakar for its resources. A male colonist's head was taken by the Krill and pulpified by High Priest Sazeron in a bloody religious ritual. | |
Dimidia | The Guide to The Orville |
Home world of Brosk's species. An extremely dynamic and difficult planet where cooperation was essential to survive. | |
Dazheen 4 | Electric Sheep (mentioned only) |
After Isaac commits "suicide" (permanent deactivation), Kelly speaks with Claire in the Orville's conference room, where Claire mentions that when she was on Dazheen 4, a planet swept with ionized dust storms, the communication between the away crew and the ship was knocked out for ten days and the crew had seven days of water. | |
Deneb 3 | Command Performance (mentioned only) |
A planet mentioned by simulations of Ed's parents, Bert and Jeannie Mercer, as their weekend getaway destination.
In the real world, Deneb, also designated Alpha Cygni, is the brightest star in the constellation of Cygnus, the swan. It is located 2,616 light years from Earth, a distance which the Orville's quantum drive can cross in 261.6 hours, just short of 11 days. | |
Elnath 4 | About a Girl (mentioned only) |
Elnath 4 was saved from an asteroid by the Orville in October 2419. Were it not for the Orville's "cutting beam," the asteroid would have collided in one month, 17 days.
In the real world, Beta Tauri, officially named Elnath (sometimes called Alnath), is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Taurus. It is located 134 light years away from Earth, a distance which the Orville's quantum drive would cross in just short of 13 and a half hours. | |
Envall homeworld | Blood of Patriots (mentioned only) |
Located in the distant star system of Lakkar B, this planet was home to the Envall. | |
Epsilon 5 | Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (mentioned only) |
A planet in the Epsilon system. The Orville made multiple supply runs to the planet in 2420. | |
Jintann 8 | Home (mentioned only) |
Alara confused this planet with Jintann 9. | |
Jintann 9 | Home (mentioned only) |
Solana Kitan worked at a laboratory on Jintann 9, which was "set up" by September 2420. | |
Kastra 4 | Krill Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (mentioned only) |
![]() The Orville and the Kakov in orbit over Kastra 4. A colony of 100,000 individuals and a member planet of the Planetary Union.[1] It sat near Krill space, which made it vulnerable to attack. Kastra 4 was a new colony revolving around mining resources (probably dysonium), led by the Mining Chief Harry Leidecker. Families lived on the planet. The colony hosted weak planetary defenses that were insufficient to fend off enemy attacks; and at the time of December 2419, it had been attacked three times in the past month.[2] In December, the Krill destroyer Kakov attacked Kastra 4 to scour its resources and kill the colonists, launching the Battle of Kastra 4. Kastra sent a distress call, which was answered by the Orville. The Orville destroyed the Kakov after a tense battle, and saved Kastra 4. Leidecker reported that the colony survives but dozens were seriously injured by the Kakov with at least 19 already dead. Doctor Finn led a medical away team to the colony.[2] | |
Mizar 2 | The Word of Avis, Pt. 1 |
A planet home to a primitive culture. Union xenoanthropologists Darden, Karx, Franz and Celeste were assigned to study this culture. | |
Plednizak | The Guide to The Orville |
Lieutenant Dann was born on the planet Plednizak in a "two-dome cabin on the shores of Lake Trillik." There was also a creek of liquid mercury nearby. It is possible this planet was also the homeworld for his species. | |
Pollux 5 | Pria (mentioned only) |
While pretending to be a member of the Vega Mining Consortium, Pria Lavesque claimed to have encountered a dark matter storm on a mining expedition to Pollux 5.
In the real world, Pollux, also designated Beta Geminorum, is the brightest star northern constellation of Gemini. The closest giant star to the Sun, it is located approximately 34 light years from Earth, a distance which the Orville's quantum drive can cross in just short of 3 and a half hours. | |
Rana 3 | Krill
Blood of Patriots(mentioned only) |
![]() The farming colony of Rana 3 as seen from space. Rana 3 was a Union farming colony near the border of Union and Krill space. By the early 25th century, Rana 3 hosted a population of over 100,000 people. However, its size and lack of military defenses made it a target of the Krill. In the winter of 2419, the Yakar targeted Rana 3 for an attack using a prototype weapon, the neutron field generator, theoretically capable of destroying all life on a continent within a matter of minutes. Undercover Union officers Ed Mercer and Gordon Malloy successfully undermined their plans just as the Yakar entered Rana 3's orbit. Realizing that the Krill were extremely sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, Mercer and Malloy manipulated the ship's lights to produce a lethal level of brightness, wiping out the vast majority of the crew and saving Rana 3. Though the Yakar's automatic controls launched the weapon at Rana 3, Gordon destroyed it mid-flight with the ship's torpedoes. | |
Retepsia | Sanctuary (mentioned only)Artifacts, Pt. 1 (mentioned only) |
Home of the Retepsian species. 3.4 million years ago, Retepsia was inside the territory of the Zankon empire. In those days, Retepsia was close enough to the Cruxis system that all four of its stars were individually identifiable in the night sky. The ancient inhabitants called the constellation "The Four Brothers." On or around 2421, an epic poem referring to the constellation was discovered on Retepsia. By 2421, Retepsia and Cruxis were much further apart, such that Cruxis' four stars were no longer distinguishable on Retepsia. | |
Rhealon 4 | Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (mentioned only) |
While a Union Point cadet, Kelly Grayson was aboard a ship breaking gravity on Rhealon 4. | |
Sarin 4 | The Road Not Taken |
![]() ![]() A planet home to a Planetary Union listening post in the year 2421 of an alternate timeline. The hilly, forested planet was covered in snow.
| |
Sensoria 2 | Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes |
A planet chosen as a date getaway by Ed Mercer and Janel Tyler around October 2420. Sensoria 2 was "a few" light years away from a path between Earth and Epsilon 5. | |
Sephalda | Artifacts, Pt. 1 |
A terrestrial world belonging to Chalmi's species, a people descending from the Zankons, which implies that until 3.4 million years ago, Sephalda had been part of the Zankon empire. Professor Lamarche visited Sephalda in mid-2421. | |
Talarius 7 | Shadow Realms (mentioned) |
Talarius 7 is known for an inhabited species that resemble rocks. The planet was mentioned by Bortus when the first alien ship the Orville encountered was discussed. | |
Tarazed 3 | Ja'loja (mentioned only)Blood of Patriots |
![]() ![]() Behind Cassius on the right is a picture of Tarazed 3. | |
Unnamed planet of the Resistance | The Road Not Taken |
![]() | |
Unuk 4 | Pria |
![]() Unuk 4 Unuk 4 was known for its remarkable beauty. The surface boasted rolling hills as well as vast, fertile valleys cut by long, blue-grey rivers. Visiting the world was strictly forbidden by the Union due to its violent inhabitants who sacrificed anyone they could capture to a "raccoon god" by methodically dismembering them. | |
Utargia | The Guide to The Orville |
Utargia was the home world of Unk's species. Nothing else is known about the planet. | |
Vendek 2 | Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow |
![]() Two Kaylon Spheres approaching Vendek 2 |
The following were unidentified planets:
- The time-traveling thief Pria Lavesque said there is a planet on the frontier where business negotiations began by showing their genitals.[3]
- An unnamed gas giant planet was orbited by 32 moons, including a habitable moon landed upon by Claire, her children, and Isaac.[4]
- The Chog were moved to an undisclosed planet between the years 2420 and 2423 while their homeworld was terraformed.[5]
Additionally John LaMarr of an alternate timeline said that an asteroid field next to a black hole "used to be a planet" before the black hole tore it apart.[6]
All items (47)