The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

A category for all species that appear on The Orville.




Minor Species
Name Episode Appearance
Eldorian Blood of Patriots (mentioned only)
Eldorian is mentioned only in the context of Eldorian vodka which was served in shot glasses on the USS Orville. Captain Ed Mercer is noted to dislike the drink.
Frizzian Home (mentioned only)
Frizzian is mentioned only in the context of Frizzian champagne. This might be the name of a species, a planet, or a region on Xelaya.
Hemblicite A Tale of Two Topas (mentioned only)
The Orville finds a Hemblicite tomb on an unknown planet. Burke mentions that Hemblicite burial vaults are notorious for being booby-trapped. Isaac then presses the button on the main tomb's door and arrows in the walls shoot out. The tomb door is opened, and the Orville finds Hemblicite treasure.
Keribex Ja'loja (mentioned only)
A species distinguished in that they have two heads. John LaMarr once dated both heads of a Keribex for about two months in 2419, with neither head finding out about the other one. Ultimately, however, LaMarr ended the relationship as the left head always wanted to go hiking, which was "sort of a deal-breaker" for him.
Navidian Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (mentioned only)
Navidian is mentioned only in the context of a floss made from Navidian micro-silk. This might be the name of a species, a planet, or a region. It is possible the Navidians (if they are a race) may be arachnids or insectoids if they produce silk.
Thetan Deflectors (mentioned only)
Native to Theta Draconis 4. Bortus realized that Locar was a heterosexual when he found him with a Thetan woman.



Unidentified species
Name Episode Appearance
Chalmi's species Artifacts, Pt. 1

Artifacts, Pt. 2

A small, furry species native to the planet Sephalda. Chalmi's species descended from the Zankon, a formidable and violent species from millions of years in the past.[1] Even though the Zankon's sophisticated technology surpassed even the Kaylon or Calivon, Chalmi's species were less developed than the Planetary Union, likely because the Zankon were all but completely destroyed by rival species 3.4 million years ago.[2]Writer David A. Goodman created Chalmi, Chalmi's species, and the Zankon as an homage to both the telepathic Krell species and the unnamed ancient species of the old science-fiction film Forbidden Planet. Goodman instructed illustrator David Cabeza to design her species as a "sweet version" of the id monster.[3]
Dann's species Old Wounds
Cupid's Dagger
New Dimensions
New Beginnings, Pt. 2
The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
Primal Urges
All the World is Birthday Cake
A Happy Refrain
Identity, Pt. 1
Blood of Patriots

Gently Falling Rain

The Guide to The Orville

Dann smile

Lieutenant Dann

A large-headed, spotted humanoid species from a single planet. They are members of the Planetary Union. Lieutenant Dann mentions that his species struggles with dating other species outside of his home planet.[4] Their home planet is likely Plednizak, where Dann was born and raised.[5] In Dann's species, three parents raise children together - not two.[5]

A civilian scientist named Samm works at the Epsilon Science Station of Epsilon 2.[6] Another unnamed individual works as a civilian aboard the Orville.[7] Dann's younger sister was Jann.[5]

The unnamed alien species was one of the first aliens created for the show. In November, 2016, Howard Berger - then make-up department head - dressed Dirk Rogers as the alien and presented him to Seth MacFarlane. MacFarlane was impressed: "Oh, my God. I love this character. I'm going to write this character into the script."[8]

Jorvik's species Old Wounds


A plant-like species represented by Doctor Jorvik. His species is obscure enough that Claire Finn mistook him for a science project.[9]
"Furry Alien" Command Performance
Furry alien

"Furry Alien"

Baral's species Command Performance


Ock'or's species Command Performance


"Reptilian Alien" About a Girl
The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
Reptilian Alien

"Reptilian Alien"

"Feral Aliens" Into the Fold


Kanoot's species Cupid's Dagger


Olix's species New Dimensions
The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
The Word of Avis, Pt. 2
All the World is Birthday Cake
Identity, Pt. 1
Digressions, Pt. 1

Gently Falling Rain

A fairly common, if as-yet unnamed species. Olix's species is an official member of the Planetary Union.[10] These people are reptilian humanoids with two horns, a thick protective skin, and two elongated nasal cavities. The most prolfiic member is Olix, a bartender aboard the Orville. In addition, there is Palovis, an Orville crewman, and Karx, a xenoanthropologist. and two representatives attend the Planetary Union Council meeting on the Moclan sanctuary.[10] Later, a child is singing in a choir.
Multiphasic Planet humanoids Mad Idolatry
? New Beginnings, Pt. 1
Kid with forehead


A child of this unidentified species attends school aboard the USS Orville.
? New Beginnings, Pt. 1
Kid with bluish head


A child of this unidentified species attends school aboard the USS Orville.
? New Beginnings, Pt. 1
Kid with big blue head and ears


A child of this unidentified species attends school aboard the USS Orville.
Brosk's species The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
Blood of PatriotsThe Guide to The Orville
Brosk speaks

Ensign Brosk.

This species hailed from the planet Dimidia, an extremely dynamic and difficult world where cooperation is essential to survive. For that reason, members of Brosk's species tend to be highly social and optimistic.[11] The most notable member is Brosk, who serves in engineering on the USS Orville.
Mooska's species Ja'loja
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


? Ja'loja
Alien pianist


? Home
Big blue man


? Home
Vertical biclops


Unk's species Primal UrgesThe Guide to The Orville

Lieutenant Unk.

The species was from the planet Utargia. All members were herbivorous. Additionally, they were highly interested in engineering sciences, and roughly 90 percent of all Utargians in the Planetary Union worked in the Engineering section. Known to be extremely resilient and resourceful, they rarely suffered from disease and possessed extraordinary regenerative abilities. The Utargians were secretive, and their basic physiology was unknown to those outside their own kind. It was thought that they reproduced parthenogenically.[12]

The species was renowned for their pornographic simulations, which were highly prized throughout the galaxy. They spoke in an alien tongue that was not directly translated. The species was bipedal with six limbs, four fingers, and no readily observable eyes. The most notable member was Unk, an engineer on the USS Orville.

Tharl's species Home
Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes

Lieutenant Tharl.

The most notable member is Tharl, who served as temporary Chief of Security on the USS Orville.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary
18 pseudodann's

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates. This species bears a resemblence to Dann's species.
? Sanctuary

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, this species is represented on the Planetary Union Council by a pair of delegates.
? Sanctuary
Audience unknown

Unidentified Council delegates.

A member race of the Planetary Union, two members were among the audience of a Planetary Union Council meeting.
? Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Ed's character


An unidentified alien appears as a character controlled by Ed Mercer in a holographic fighting game.

? Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Gordon's character


An unidentified alien appears as a character controlled by Gordon Malloy in a holographic fighting game.


Description Episode Appearance
A simulated Xelayan woman in LaMarr 3594 describes an alien with organs external to his body. Ja'loja
Lieutenant Kleeman is of an unidentified species with 26 fingers. A Happy Refrain


  • So far, a minimum of 38 species have been indicated as being members of the Planetary Union or at least within its sphere of influence.


All items (55)
