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The Orville Wiki

For all vessels appearing in The Orville:

Minor vessels[]

Name Commander Affiliation Type Status Episodes
15 Unknown Kaylon Interceptor-class Sphere Destroyed (2420 or 2421) Identity, Pt. 1
Identity, Pt. 2
Kaylon 15

Sphere 15.

Kaylon Primary directs 15, a Kaylon Sphere, to pursue shuttle ECV-197-1 of the USS Orville. However, the shuttle leads to several Krill destroyers and 15 is destroyed in the ensuing skirmish.
29 Unknown Kaylon Cruiser-class Sphere Unknown Identity, Pt. 1
Identity, Pt. 2
Roosevelt destroyed

Spheres 29 and 31 fire upon the USS Roosevelt.

Kaylon Primary directs 29 and 31 to destroy the USS Roosevelt. 29 participates in the later Battle of Earth, but it is unknown whether the ship survives.
31 Unknown Kaylon Cruiser-class Sphere Unknown Identity, Pt. 1
Identity, Pt. 2
Roosevelt destroyed

Spheres 29 and 31 fire upon the USS Roosevelt.

Kaylon Primary directs 29 and 31 to destroy the USS Roosevelt. 29 participates in the later Battle of Earth, but it is unknown whether the ship survives.
ECV-X1 Unknown Planetary Union Exploratory-class vessel, Class A Inactive (2394-2396) The Guide to The Orville

(mentioned only)

The X1 was a prototype designed by a team led by chief architect S. J. Lineweaver in 2387 and built by autonomous construction robots in orbit around Earth in 2394. The X1 was tested for two years in various deep-space environments. Testing was completed in 2396.

The ship is probably named after the Bell X-1, a supersonic jet research project.

USS Burnell Unknown Planetary Union Unknown Active (2421) Sanctuary

(mentioned only)

The USS Burnell receives shuttle ECV-197-1 of the Orville and takes Captain Ed Mercer and Heveena to the Planetary Union Council on Earth.

The ship is probably named after Jocelyn Bell Burnell, co-discoverer of the first radio wave pulsars.

USS Chanute Unknown Planetary Union Unknown Active (2419) Old Wounds

(mentioned only)

First Officer Kelly Grayson mentions a Lieutenant Commander Murphy serving aboard the USS Chanute in September, 2419.

The ship is probably named after Octave Chanute, hailed as the father of aviation.

USS Clemens Unknown Planetary Union Unknown Active (2413-2418) About a Girl

(mentioned only)

At an unknown point between 2413 and 2418, Bortus was assigned to the USS Clemens. Klyden, his new mate, accompanied him. They lived together aboard the Clemens for the duration of Bortus's assignment.
CCV Hawking[1] (CCV-956) Unknown Planetary Union Cruiser-class vessel Destroyed (2420 or 2421) Identity, Pt. 2 (mentioned only)
Destroyed by the Kaylon during the Battle of Earth in either late 2420 or early 2421.[2]

The ship is probably named after physicist Stephen Hawking.

Horizon Pria Lavesque (Captain) Vega Mining Consortium Mining vessel Destroyed (2419) Pria
A Vega Mining Consortium ship intentionally destroyed by the time-traveling antiques seller Pria Lavesque. After landing the Horizon onto the surface of a star-bound comet, she tells the USS Orville she had spent the last of her fuel fleeing a Krill battle cruiser and landed on the comet in an attempt to collect dysonium. It is unclear if this ship was from the 29th century and disguised as a 25th century mining vessel.
USS Sagan Unknown Planetary Union Unknown Active (2420) Digressions, Pt. 2

(mentioned only)

In an alternate timeline where Ed Mercer never became captain of the USS Orville, Ed and Cheva applied to be captain of the USS Sagan around 2420. Ultimately, Cheva won the position.

This ship is likely a reference to popular scientist and author Carl Sagan.

USS Watson Unknown Planetary Union Unknown Active (2420) Deflectors

(mentioned only)

In late 2420, the schoolteacher Cassius accept a standing offer to transfer from USS Orville to the USS Watson and head up their educational program.

Unnamed minor vessels[]


  1. The name "CCV Hawking" and not "USS Hawking" confirmed by editor Tom Costantino and visual effects department in private correspondence dated Sept. 7, 2019.
  2. "Emmy Submission: The Orville". FuseFX. July 24, 2019.
  3. Episode 2x14: The Road Not Taken
  4. Episode 1.5x01: New Beginnings, Pt. 1

All items (41)
