The Orville's upgraded deflector screens withstand a hit from a Moclan ship.
Deflector Screens, also called deflectors and (very rarely) shields,[2][3][4] were a type of force field shield surrounding a space vessel, meant to provide protection from enemy attacks or natural hazards. It was used by space vessels in the Planetary Union.
Deflector Screens were not simply defensive. They protected the ship from solar and cosmic radiation,[5]interstellar dust, and small particulate,[6] and provided a marginal defense against dark matter.[7]
Five[6] graviton generators were housed in a ship's deflector core.[n 1][8] The graviton generators created gravitational waves. The waves were projected through an emitter array located around the hull of the ship, creating the deflector screens.[6][8] The emitter arrays were arranged by sections of the ship: forward, starboard, port, aft, ventral, and dorsal.[6] For example, a weapons test of the USS Orville conducted by Captain Rechik and Locar stressed the Orville's starboard emitter array.[8]
Deflector screens were modulated so as to allow the ship's own weapons to pass effortlessly through the deflectors.[n 2] Further, modulation allowed the crew to evade capture by an enemy's tractor beam.[9] Deflectors could not be modulated to allow matter to enter, and had to be turned off - however briefly - to allow things such as shuttlecraft to enter.[n 3] Modulation was ordinarily automatic, but could be adjusted manually if so required.[6]
A ship powered its deflectors, which was also a measure of the deflector's ability to deflect weapons or natural hazards, and was commonly measured by a percentage of power remaining.[n 4] Additional power could be routed through the quantum engine's auxiliary power.[8] If a particular section of the deflector field was weakened, such as the aft emitter array, other sections would automatically compensate unless an officer overrode that protocol.[6]
The array used a deflector synch manifold, buts its purpose is unknown.[10] Union Security interfaced with the deflector screens with firewall safety checks.[8]
Until either December 2420 or January 2421, an Exploratory-class A ship was permitted a maximum of only four graviton generators under Planetary Union regulations.[8] After, technological breakthroughs enabled ships to reconfigure their deflector cores to accommodated a fifth generator.[8]
Pre-2420, emitter arrays buckled and collapsed under stress, such as Plasma Torpedo bombardment, leading to a shield failure. After reconfigurations in 2421, emitter arrays reset automatically, allowing the deflector shields to last longer.[8]
USS Orville[]
The USS Orville upgraded its deflector screens with the help of Locar in December 2420 or January 2421.[8] A month later, the Kaylon (who commandeer the ship) incorporated their own upgrades to its screens.[11]
In early 2422, the ship's "brand-new"[12] deflector synch manifold was removed for an upgrade. Chief Engineering Officer John LaMarr quipped that the upgrade made it look "like a lawnmower."[10]
- Deflector screens interacted with atmosphere. Friction of the Orville's screens against Kastra 4's atmosphere created significant smoke screen, and led to the Orville's victory in the Battle of Kastra 4.[13]
- In Cupid's Dagger, Navigator John LaMarr hatched an idea to project the Orville's screens into space to place a barrier between Navarians and Bruidians. His plan was never carried out.
- In a simulation of the Orville in Firestorm, Engineering prepared to modulate their deflector screens to match the frequencies of a plasma storm to provide a better buffer for the ship. The preparations were never carried out.
- In New Dimensions, the Orville entered two-dimensional space protected by a quantum bubble. When the quantum field begins to fail, Lieutenant Yaphit figured out that by coupling the quantum phase inducers to the deflector grid, Engineering could match the "deflector amplitude to the quantum wave function" and compensate for field instability.[14]
- Episode 1x01: Old Wounds
- Episode 1x05: Pria
- Episode 1x06: Krill
- Episode 1x09: Cupid's Dagger
- Episode 1x10: Firestorm (simulated)
- Episode 1x11: New Dimensions
- Episode 1.5x02: New Beginnings, Pt. 2
- Episode 2x07: Deflectors
- ↑ This is based on the fact that the Orville is able to elude a Benzian's tractor beam, which uses beams of gravity, by modulating their deflectors. Episode 5: Pria.
- ↑ The Orville frequently fires weapons while weapons are charged. In Old Wounds, shuttle ECV-197-1 enters the Orville while deflectors are still up.
- ↑ Ed Mercer asks if Bortus can cut power to the deflectors long enough for their shuttle to dock in the Shuttle Bay. Episode 1: Old Wounds
- ↑ For example, deflector shields are stated at "two-thirds power" in Old Wounds.
- ↑ Old Wounds
- ↑ Bortus' screen of the BCV Burton lists the ship's "shields." Episode 1.5x02: New Beginnings, Pt. 2
- ↑ Kaylon Primary: "Isaac, you will go to the bridge and assist with the shield upgrade." Episode 2x09: Identity, Pt. 2
- ↑ Bortus: "Starboard shields are failing." Episode 2x12: Sanctuary
- ↑ Episode 2x02: Primal Urges
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Pg. 42.
- ↑ Episode 1x05: Pria
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Episode 2x07: Deflectors
- ↑ Episode 1x05: Pria
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Episode 3x01: Electric Sheep
- ↑ Episode 2x09: Identity, Pt 2
- ↑ Jenny Turco. Episode 3x01: Electric Sheep
- ↑ Episode 1x06: Krill
- ↑ Episode 1x11: New Dimensions