The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki
Non-canonical term
This subject matter was never named by a canonical source. However, for the purposes of identification and clarity, the term environmental suit has been provisionally adopted by the Wiki.
Gordon EV suit

Gordon in an EVA suit. Note the suit is orange, indicating he is part of Engineering.

An environmental suit is a non-canonical placeholder term used to describe a category of different protective suits in The Orville. No suit is necessarily related to each other; the only common element is that they provide total protection of the wearer against an otherwise harmful environmental condition such as fatal doses of cosmic radiation or high gravity. The only environmental suit which has been named is the EVA suit, worn by officers when in space.

At least two civilizations had environmental suits: the Planetary Union and the Nyxians. The Union Fleet made use of environment suits, with variants produced for each of the Fleet's divisions.

As seen in ECV-197-1 and ECV-342-1, shuttles came equipped with two EVA suits by default.[1][2]

Planetary Union[]

EVA suit[]

The most common type of environmental suit was the extravehicular activity suit, or EVA suit, worn for basic protection in space. All Union ships carried an EVA suit for each member of the crew in case of emergencies.[3]

EVA suits were colored according to one's section, such as orange for Engineering and blue for Command. EVA suits were synthesized and custom-fitted to each wearer.[4] EVA suits were used for most activities outside of Union vessel, such as working on the exterior of the ship's hull or traversing the surface of a comet. In one example, following the Battle of Epsilon 2 in September 2419, Planetary Union engineers donned EVA suits in space as they performed external repairs on the USS Orville at the Union Dockyard.[5] In another example, Helmsman Gordon Malloy wore this suit to escape the destruction of ECV-197-1 when a quantum storage cell containing Envall blood had been activated.[6]

While simple looking, EVA suits were technically complex. The suits were capable of internal temperature regulation up to 900 degrees Celsius, and could protect the wearer from micrometeoroids of up to 100 microns in dimension at speeds of 20 kilometers per second. Suits also provided basic protection against radiation up to 300 rem over 24 hours. Backpacks provided power to the suits, as well as communications and life support systems (such as air recycling and moisture control). Helmets were made of "microcrystaline, impact-resistant polycarbonate material." Transparency of the helmet's shell could be adjusted by the user from opaque to transparent. The helmet automatically adjusted lighting so that the wearer could work in extremely bright or dark environments.[3]

A new model of the EVA suit was introduced by early 2422. They were used by John LaMarr and his engineering team, including Yaphit, as they worked on the Orville's exterior during the ship's refit.[7]

Radiation environmental suit[]

In late 2420, Second Officer Bortus wore a special environmental suit on the surface of Nyxia, tailored to protect him from the intense radiation of Nyxia's sun.[8]

Ed Environmental suit

An environmental suit worn on Xelaya protects the wearer from the planet's intense gravity.

Gravity environmental suit[]

A specialized environmental suit was worn by non-Xelayan humanoids on Xelaya to protect them from the planet's gravity, which otherwise would have crushed them. The suit generated its own gravity field. The suit came with an indicator on the inner forearm that told the wearer how much time remained for the suit to generate gravity.[9]


Nyxians kept radiation environmental suits to protect them.[8]

Alternate Timeline[]

The suit can also be seen in an alternate timeline on a chair in shuttlecraft ECV-342-1.[10]




