The planet hosts a diverse range of ecosystems, including swampland (above), temperate forests, and arid mountains.
An unnamed habitable planet is the fourth planet of a system within Planetary Union space, roughly 2.6 light years off course between Earth and Epsilon 5 and very close to the territories of the Krill and Chak'tal.
In either late September or early October 2420, Teleya and her captive, Captain Ed Mercer, flee to the planet to escape the Chak'tal. They remain on the surface for roughly one day until their rescue by the USS Orville.

The surface of the mountain ranges seen from above.
The planet's spin is very slow and its sun moves only half a degree across the horizon every half hour, meaning day on the planet lasts 23 Earth days.
The planet is oxygen-rich and teeming with life, but devoid of an indigenous sentient species.
Some parts of the world are swamps: a mixed terrain of wet, muddy land and knee-deep water. Grasses, trees, algae, and various other flora fill the swamp, and the sounds of various animals can be heard at night.
Other regions feature mountain ranges, peppered with caves. Mountain terrain is littered with large boulders and jutting peaks, making landing with a shuttlecraft impossible.