High Priest was a position on Krill destroyers. The High Priest served as the religious leader aboard the ship and as an advisor to the Captain.
The High Priest conducted religious services on Krill vessels, attended by the ship's military officers and civilians. On ships like the Yakar, the High Priest was flanked by two assistant priests during services.[1]
High Priest was probably not a rank within the Krill military, as the High Priest Sazeron seemed to be separate from the ordinary chain of command on the Yakar. Nevertheless, in a highly theocratic society such as the Krill, a ship's High Priest enjoyed significant prestige, and officers frequently deferred to his or her judgment.[1]
See also[]

A High Priest in the comics.
- Episode 1x06: Krill
- Episode 1.5x03: The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
- Episode 1.5x04: The Word of Avis, Pt. 2
- Episode 2x09: Identity, Pt. 2