[U]nless we encounter help, we are doomed to drift indefinitely. For space is vast and very dark and very lonely.đâšī¸â Jahavus Dorahl[1]
Jahavus Dorahl was a captain of a bio-ship of an unnamed species. After the ship's engines were irreparably damaged, Dorahl took the passengers inside the ship's artificial ecosystem. Over the next 2,000 years, Dorahl was deified and worshiped by subsequent generations as a god.
Roughly 2,000 years ago, the people of a planet located in a relatively isolated pocket of space built a special bio-ship designed to colonize another world after an estimated three generations' travel. It is unknown if Jahavus Dorahl was the ship's first commander or was part of a later generation.
Years into their journey, an ion storm damaged the ship's engines. The ship then adrift in space, the crew was forced to live within their own artificial ecosystem until help arrived. Before taking the people into the ecosystem permanently, Dorahl left a recording on the Bridge explaining the history of the ship and their plight.
Death and after[]
Dorahl led the community from within the ecosystem until his death.
Over the years, the inhabitants forgot their origins and the technology of the ship. Dorahl passed from memory as a ship captain to become a god.
The USS Orville found the bio-ship adrift in space in early November 2419, most of its systems offline. An exploratory team entered the bio-ship where they learn that the "Word of Dorahl" is followed religiously. Belief was violently enforced by the government, led by Hamelac. Isaac rediscovered Dorahl's recording and the truth of the bio-ship was known once again.
- Dorahl is portrayed by Liam Neeson who previously appeared alongside Seth MacFarlane and Charlize Theron in A Million Ways to Die in the West.