Jahavus Dorahl's species was a humanoid people encountered by the USS Orville aboard the Bio-ship. Their planet of origin is unknown.
The species appeared very similar physically to that of Humans, the only exception being a series of dark brown spots appearing on their foreheads.
Very little is known about this people's history. The species lived on a remote Earth-like planet, far away from other worlds in space.
At some point, the people desired to visit other planets but knew the distance would take generations to travel. They built an immense Bio-ship, which launched around the year 419. The journey was anticipated to last three generations, but an ion storm badly damaged the ship's engines, marooning them in space from 2,000 years.
During that time period, the species forgot the purpose of their journey and even the journey itself. The majority deified an early captain of the Bio-ship, Jahavus Dorahl, though some, known as "Reformers," rejected this.
The species made first contact with the USS Orville of the Planetary Union in November 2419.
Jahavus Dorahl's species were once technologically advanced but, after 2,000 years of atrophy, modern people were primitive. Such technology included the following:
- Conventional firearms, which fired lethal metal projectiles, known as "bullets" or "slugs."
- Vehicles of the species are that of military-grade trucks.
- Simple farming tools of wood and iron.
Written script of the Dorahlians adorned the walls of the bio-ship. A transcription was published in The World of the Orville. The letters are the same as English's; with special symbols for the numbers 0-9, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and 1 million; and two symbols indicating the end of a sentence and the end of a paragraph. The sentence-end and paragraph-end symbols are merely empty boxes, the final letter is merely inserted in the box.
Sentences can run vertically or horizontally. Vertical sentences run top-down for the first line, bottom-up for the second line, and alternating after that. Only a few items have been transcribed so far:
- The guard's car used to transport Commander Kelly Grayson reads UNIT 9 and 109.
- Hamelac's guard, playfully identified as "Nick Lewis" by Ed, wears two breast badges. The left badge is a large paragraph-end symbol reads upside-down as 73 POLICE, and the right one reads 111661. (In reality, his badges read 37 ECILOP and 166111 but that is due to flipping the scene left-right during editing.)
- Banners throughout the Dorahlian capital show the letter D, presumably after Dorahl.
- Banners hanging from the capital building exterior: D THE WORD OF DORAHL THE WORD OF DORAHL.
- In Hamelac's office:
- "HONOR" on a banner behind Kelly when she is tortured by Hamelac.
- "D THE WORD OF DORAHL THE WORD OF DORAHL" on a banner behind Hamelac's desk. Also is a partially legible phrase [text unclear]ISE DORAHL.
- The number pad used to open the door to the bioship's exterior: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
- The doors to the Lift read PORT, followed by either K or the number 7 or 8, and then followed by a sentence-end symbol akin to a period. The lift's walls read DN twice; the lift buttons, 2 and 6.
The letters appearing on screen when Jahavus Dorahl speaks appear to be random. However, a message may be hidden therein.
- The weapons used by the Dorahlian soldiers when capturing Kelly and Alara were weapons used during World War 1 and 2. The pistol used was a Mauser C96 pistol and other was the Sten Mk. 2 submachine gun.
- The name "Dorahlian" is not from the The Orville but a fan-made moniker based on the name of the bioship's first captain, Jahavus Dorahl.