The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

A peace is only as strong as those who uphold it.— K.T.Z.[1]

"K.T.Z." are the initials of a Krill ambassador famous for signing the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 with the Planetary Union.

While K.T.Z.'s full name is never revealed, his initials can be translated from the Krillain signature found at the bottom of the pact.


K.T.Z. was born to Kalavus.

Following a historic ceasefire agreement signed with the Union after the Battle of Earth, the Krill dispatched Ambassador K.T.Z. to Tarazed 3 via the Davoro'kos.

K.T.Z. boarded the USS Orville around March 2421 to discuss both a lak'vai pact and the extradition of Orrin Channing. After Orrin died in an explosion, K.T.Z. and Captain Ed Mercer of the Orville jointly signed the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3.


  • His mother's maiden name was Kalavus.


