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The Orville Wiki

Kandar 1 was a terrestrial planet in a multiphasic orbit in the Kandar system that was home to the Kandarians. It was discovered by the crew of USS Orville in mid-2420 when a shuttle crash-landed.

According to Isaac, the planet and its attendant star were the first objects discovered by the Planetary Union to exist in two universes. The star existed simultaneously in both universes while the planet's orbit took the planet through each.


Kandar followed a multiphasic orbit around a small yellow dwarf star[1] through two universes. It spent several days in the Orville's universe, and the rest of its orbit in a separate, unidentified universe. Its indigenous inhabitants considered the other universe to be their "home" universe.


Kandarians were the unnamed, native humanoids living on the planet. The species had a rate of technological advancement similar to that of the planet Earth. They appear to be physically identical to HumansSarguns, and Nyxians.

Because the other universe progressed through time at a rate of roughly 700 years to 11 Union Standard days, the people quickly developed relative to our universe. When the people were discovered around April or May 2420, they were at a Bronze Age level of development. A month later, its people had already advanced beyond the technological capabilities of the Planetary Union.

In 2422, Kandarians had achieved immortality.


The observed surface of Kandar was Earth-like with a semi-arid temperate climate peppered with forests and broken by mountains and rivers.

A large city sprung up near where Kelly was first encountered that became the seat of the Valondis, the head of the Church of Kelly. A television reporter said that the "ancient city" of Uravah was located in a different, desert region known as Jakora. The Temple of Kelly in Uravah was attacked by "dissidents" with rockets, killing 36 people.


Kandar 1 was encountered during a period akin to the Bronze Age of Earth, equivalent to the 5th century BCE.[2] First Officer Kelly Grayson discovered a village and healed an injured girl with a dermoscanner. The villagers witnessed Grayson and interpreted the healing as the act of a goddess miraculously healing one of their own.

Seven-hundred years elapsed on the planet between Grayson's initial visit and the next. Society had developed into a medieval-like period dominated by worship of Grayson as supreme deity, whom they call Kelly. A quasi-governmental Church of Kelly oversaw all of society. Grayson returned to end belief in her as a deity. She successfully convinced the local religious leader, Valondis, but he was assassinated by his own dignitary for threatening the existing power of the Church.

Another 700 years passed and the Orville found the planet at a 20th-century-level stage of development. Isaac noted the planet now hosts industrial pollution, wide-range broadcast signals, and artificial satellites. Grayson was upset to see that the worship of her had not declined. Different interpretations of the Word of Kelly gave rise to terrorist attacks and religious conflict. Secularists advocated for the separation of church and government, but society as a whole was still deeply immersed in the worship of Kelly. Isaac was sent to the world as a messenger and attempt to steer their cultural development away from the Kelly faith.

Seven-hundred years later, the planet was slightly more advanced than the Planetary Union, capable of space flight and teleportation, which the Union had yet to produce. Most of the observable surface of the world was developed into cities and vast, tall technological structures of unknown importance; no natural features could be seen. Representatives from the planet visited the Orville and reported that their world naturally abandoned the worship of Kelly during its evolution into a highly advanced society.[n 1]

Some 50,000 years later, the planet had become so advanced that the people living on it had achieved immortality. It was unclear what the status of the planet itself was, or if those originating from it even still lived there on a regular basis.[3]

Notable multiphasic planet people[]

  • Baleth - Representative of the Multiphasic Planet
  • Fadolin - Representative of the Multiphasic Planet
  • The injured girl - Healed by Commander Grayson, which set off the mythology behind the Church of Kelly.
  • Valondis - Leader of the Church of Kelly. Killed by his own dignitary after deciding to expose the truth of Kelly. 
  • Dinal - advanced member of the planet's society, part of a society which now has taken on the ability to control their own evolution with nearly 50,000 years having passed from their perspective since the Orville first visited. Seemingly immortal and with blue skin with a web of bright lines.


  • The planet is called the Medieval Planet in The World of the Orville.
    • Prior to being identified as Kandar in June 2022, The Orville Wiki used the name Multiphasic Planet as a placeholder.
  • The final appearance of Kandar has been commented upon in social media as being "Borg-like". This is a reference to Borg-controlled planets in Star Trek.
  • The planet's multiphasic nature is similar to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine planet Meridian, which also shifts between two universes. However, the latter planet is explained to shift to a dimension without corporeal form and the passed time being equivalent in both universes.
  • The deification of Kelly is similar to the religious belief of the Mintakan people in "the Picard" in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Who Watches The Watchers".
  • The passage of time on the planet is so quick, the planet should not exist or be habitable in a short timeframe. 63 years pass for every sideral day, meaning the planet would have a geological life expectancy of 200,000 years in real time.
  • The planet's name has not been explicitly identified. However, Klyden said the planet was part of the Kandar system.
    • Because the Planetary Union names a planet after its star, plus its ordinal orbit (and because we know that this planet is the only body orbiting its star), the designation must be Kandar 1.





  1. André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 120.
  2. Bond, Jeff. The World of the Orville. Titan Books. 2018. Pg. 159.
  3. Episode 3x03: Mortality Paradox