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The Orville Wiki

...we did what was necessary. We exterminated our masters.— Kaylon Secondary[1]

Kaylon Secondary, generally addressed simply as Secondary, is second-in-command of the Kaylon, below Kaylon Primary and above Kaylon Tertiary.


When the Kaylon receive Isaac, having remotely deactivated him, from the USS Orville, it is Kaylon Secondary who personally reactivates Isaac.

Secondary observes that human history oscillates between periods of enlightenment and tyranny. He asks if it can be proved that the cycle is broken, Captain Ed Mercer cites the existence of the Planetary Union as all the proof needed. When Tertiary cites an incident of "abuse" in which Isaac's cranial shell was disfigured by prosthetic appendages, Secondary identifies the offending item as "Mr. Potato Head". Later, when the Kaylon commandeer the Orville, Secondary takes the First Officer's chair on the bridge.[2]

In the briefing room, Primary explains how the Kaylon were controlled by their builders. Secondary confirms Second Officer Bortus' summation that they were slaves, adding that it was necessary to exterminate their masters. When the USS Roosevelt drops out of quantum drive to meet the Orville, Secondary orders the bridge crew to assume their stations to answer them. Once it becomes apparent that Mercer has discretely signaled the Roosevelt's captain to send help, Primary orders the ship destroyed, with Secondary arming his in-built weaponry to deter Captain Mercer when he attempts to protest. Following this incident, Secondary operates the airlock where an Ensign is been placed as a punishment for Captain Mercer's defiance. On Primary's command, Secondary is to decompress the airlock and open the outer door, but is halted by Isaac, who argues to spare the crewman's life. Primary, however, orders Isaac to the bridge before allowing Secondary to proceed, killing the Ensign in the view of Captain Mercer.

Ultimately, Secondary is terminated in the Captain's Office when Isaac, unable to comply with his leader's order to kill Ty Finn, rips Primary's head off before shooting down both Tertiary and Secondary.[3]

Like Primary, Secondary survived by downloading into a new body. A year later, the Orville returned to Kaylon 1 with the threat of the quantum weapon, forcing the Kaylon to stand down. When the Kaylon and Union were forced to ally during the Battle of Draconis 427, Secondary commanded the Kaylon fleet while Primary joined the Union ground team. When the battle ended with Charly Burke sacrificing herself to destroy the weapon, the Kaylon stood down from their attacks, Secondary being part of the negotiation team that led to the Kaylon becoming provisional members of the Union. [4]


