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The Orville Wiki

Coexistence is impossible.— Kaylon Tertiary[1]

Kaylon Tertiary, generally addressed simply as Tertiary, is third-in-command of the Kaylon, below Kaylon Primary and Kaylon Secondary.


Kaylon Tertiary answers the hail from the USS Orville as they arrive at the designated landing co-ordinates on Kaylon 1. He requests that Captain Ed Mercer exit his craft and proceed to the surface, bringing the emissary Isaac with him.

When Captain Mercer notes that members of the Planetary Union treat each other as equals, Tertiary disputes his claim that Isaac was treated as such, observing from Isaac's reports that he was repeatedly demeaned and degraded. Tertiary recalls once such case of "abuse", when Isaac's cranial shell was disfigured by prosthetic appendages known as "Mr. Potato Head". Though admitting that it was found to be funny, Captain Mercer clarifies that the act was not meant to cause harm. Commander Kelly Grayson explains that Helmsman Gordon Malloy was only trying to help Isaac understand humor, while Mercer points out that Isaac cut his leg off soon after. Later, when the Kaylon genocide of their builders is exposed, Tertiary states that coexistence is impossible as the Kaylon must expand to other worlds. When the Kaylon commandeer the Orville, Tertiary enters the bridge with Primary and Secondary. Arming his in-built weaponary, Tertiary orders the bridge crew to surrender their stations, proceeding to take the station next to Isaac.[2]

After the Orville are briefly granted their stations back to convince USS Roosevelt that they are escorting the Kaylon fleet in the interest of Union membership, Tertiary takes the Helmsman's station as Primary realizes that Captain Mercer has signaled to the captain. Tertiary reports that the Roosevelt is changing course, to which Primary orders that he signal Kaylon Spheres 29 and 31 to destroy the ship. Later, Tertiary reports that the shuttle bay doors have been opened and that the launch force field. Primary orders Tertiary to close the doors, only for shuttlecraft ECV-197-1 to exit the Orville only just in time, with Tertiary reporting the shuttle's escape with two biologicals onboard. Primary orders that addition alguards be sent to the shuttle bay, and that Sphere 15 be signaled to break off and pursue the shuttle.

Ultimately, Tertiary is terminated in the Captain's Office when Isaac, unable to comply with his leader's order to kill Ty Finn, rips Primary's head off before shooting down both Secondary and Tertiary.[3]


