Korin was a male Krill and the Supreme Chancellor of Krill until he was executed by Teleya. He was portrayed by Matt Gottlieb.
As of 2422, Korin was the reigning Supreme Chancellor of the planet Krill. It was his policies that guided the planet, responsible for the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 that signified the alliance between his people and the Planetary Union against the Kaylon threat.
At some point during that year, Korin paid a visit to Earth as the two groups finalized negotiations for a more permanent treaty between their two peoples. He then led a delegation hosted by the USS Orville and including Planetary Union President Alcuzan back to the planet Krill for the treaty signing. At this time, however, he was also up for re-election. His opponent was Teleya, with whom the Orville's captain, Ed Mercer, had previously had relations when she infiltrated the vessel in disguise.
Teleya preached a fiery rhetoric which advocated a return to core Krill principles of following the directives of Avis and not allying with heretical outsiders. As she was inexperienced, it was believed that she could not win. Despite this, Korin conducted "influence operations," fake propaganda videos, designed to discredit her. Ultimately, however, Teleya won by a narrow margin. Korin then announced his intention to immediately challenge the election results with the Krill Circle of Clerics. Teleya, however, then led a strike force which infiltrated Korin's office. She executed him on charges of treason and heresy, then had his head mounted in the planet's capital, Dalakos.[1]