Captain Mercer and Ambassador K.T.Z. sign the Lak'vai Pact.
The Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 was a landmark resolution signed in 2421 by representatives from the Planetary Union and the Krill species. As a lak'vai pact functioned as a declaration of goodwill between parties, the Lak'vai of Tarazed 3 signaled the end of hostilities and the possibility of an alliance between former enemies.
The Lak'vai of Tarazed 3 was signed by representatives Captain Ed Mercer of the USS Orville and Ambassador K.T.Z. of the Krill destroyer Davoro'kos in early March 2421, one month after a ceasefire was signed by the Union and the Krill in response to the Battle of Earth.
Although the two parties then progressed towards the signing of a more formal treaty, the peace was shattered upon the election of Teleya as Supreme Chancellor, who advocated a fiery ideology that preached a return to core principles of Avis and not working with heretic races.[1]
Prelude to the lak'vai[]
For at least decades leading up to 2421, Krill and Union forces had waged a protracted Krill-Planetary Union conflict and the two sides considered each other enemies. When the technologically superior Kaylon attacked the Union in February 2421 with the intent to destroy all biological life in the galaxy, the Krill realized that only by joining the battle on behalf of the Union could they prevent their own destruction.[2] Shortly after the Battle of Earth, a ceasefire was signed between the Krill and Union as the governments considered the ramifications of war with the Kaylon.[3]
One month later, Captain Ed Mercer and a Krill ambassador known only by his initials as K.T.Z. were sent to the orbit of planet Tarazed 3 to sign a lak'vai. Peace talks were briefly jeopardized by two rogue terrorists, Orrin and Leyna Channing, but the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 was signed by both parties after Leyna was arrested and Orrin killed. By Admiral Perry's estimation, the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 "thr[ew] the door wide open" for Union admiralty to begin open treaty negotiations with the Krill.[3]

The lak'vai pact was written in English and Krillain. The final page of the lak'vai pact stipulated that Planetary Union Central would hand over documents contained in Central's archives.
The pact references a number of locations not otherwise identified, including the island of Searat (or Sebrat), the Gama, the West. reads:
- In conformity with the provisions of Articles I, II, and III of this treaty, part relinquishes in party two, and cedes in part d and other in the West , in the island of Searat, and in the Gama, all the buildings, wharves, barracks, forts, structures, public highways and other immovable property which, in conformity with law, belong in the public domain, and as such belong to the Central.
- And it is hereby declared that the relinquishment or cession, as the case may be, to which the preceding paragraph refers, can not in any respect impair the property or rights which by law belong to the peaceful possession of property of all kinds, of provinces, municipalities, public or private establishments, ecclesiastical or civic bodies, or any other associations having legal capacity to acquire and possess property in the aforesaid territories renounced or ceded, or of private individuals, of whatsoever nationality such individuals may be.
- The aforesaid relinquishment or cession, as the case may be, includes all documents exclusively referring to the sovereignty relinquished or ceded that may exist in the archives of the galaxy. Where any document in such archives only in part relates to said sovereignty, a copy of such part will be furnished whenever it shall be requested. Like rules shall be reciprocally observed in favor of part onein [sic] respect of documents in the archives of the islands above referred to.
- In the aforesaid relinquishment or cession, as the case may be, are also included such rights as the Central and its authorities possess in respect of the official archives and records, executive as well as judicial, in the islands above referred to, which relate to said islands or the rights and property of their inhabitants. Such archives and records shall be carefully preserved, and private persons shall without distinction have the right to require, in accordance with law, authenticated copies of the contracts, wills and other instruments forming part of notorial protocols or files, or which may be contained in the executive or judicial archives, be the latter in Central or in the Sector aforesaid.
The text concludes with a signature block that has only been partially translated from Krillain and errors may be present:
- Self Rasagt Raizcal Partical Three-One-Seven
- Oratrion. Damage Lot Eight Ninety Twenty Seven RL Par OPL
- [untranslated but may read GNDTSR L-?-? 1234567890, where "?" represents an untranslated letter]
- Signatories acknowledge points nine through 11 dot 1
True to Perry's prediction that signing of the lak'vai pact would be an important sign of goodwill, the pact strengthened ties between two historical enemies and helped bury the Krill-Planetary Union conflict that ended with the ceasefire a month prior. Once the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 was formed, Union and Krill diplomatic teams began working on treaty negotiations.[4]
One example of the pact's importance came in July 2421 before any treaty was signed, when the USS Orville encountered a fleet in Union space led by Captain Kratok. Both sides had previously fought in 2420, so Captain Mercer behaved cautiously, but Kratok recognized that hostilities had been suspended. Both sides worked together to investigate the Construct of the Alibar.[4]
The Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3 was designed by senior concept designer Lex Cassar and built by property master Bryan Rodgers.[5] Cassar reported that the writing of the Lak'vai was just "filler" text,[6] but subsequent investigations in 2021 revealed the text to have meaningful content.
A close-up photograph of the Lak'vai can be found on editor Tom Costantino's Twitter page.[7]
- The Lak'vai shows a picture of the continent of Europe evidently destroyed by some blast. This is probably a depiction of the predicted devastation from a Kaylon Sphere, were it to have attacked Earth until the Krill intervened.
- This Lak'vai features one of the clearest depictions of the rarely seen Krill emblem, which otherwise is found on the belt buckles of Krill soldiers.
- The pact's text (not including the signature block) is copied from Article VIII of the Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain of 1898 with changes to names and places.[8]
- The pact's text states that it is a treaty. However, the show makes clear in both Blood of Patriots and Launch Day, Pt. 1 that the pact is a sign of goodwill in preparation for future treaty negotiations.
- ↑ Episode 3x04: Gently Falling Rain
- ↑ Episode 2x09: Identity, Pt. 2
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Episode 2x10: Blood of Patriots
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Episode 2.5x01: Launch Day, Pt. 1
- ↑ @TomCostantino. "MORE @theorville from our 📞’s courtesy of @Bryanrodgerssoa . Prelude to Peace. @planetary_union #theorville (link: http://bit.ly/2KgdBnp) bit.ly/2KgdBnp". Twitter. April 6, 2019.
- ↑ @GDNaturedVLLN. "Last time I checked that was all filler text.". Twitter. April 7, 2019.
- ↑ @TomCostantino. Photograph. Twitter. April 6, 2019.
- ↑ Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain (Dec. 10, 1898).