Mooska is the proprietor of the restaurant Mooska's aboard the USS Orville.
Chief of Security Alara Kitan and Lieutenant Dann go on a date at Mooska's. As Alara arrives early, Mooska checks to see that she has not been stood up. Mooska offers Alara a beverage as she waits, but Alara politely declines.[1]
Chief Medical Officer Claire Finn and Science Officer Isaac were set to go to Mooska's, with the former looking forward to trying Mooska's butter cake. Unfortunately, Isaac, in an attempt to make himself unappealing so Claire would terminate their coupling, remarks that the last thing she needs is more dessert.[2]
Captain Ed Mercer goes on a "second date" with a temporally displaced version of Kelly Grayson, then a Lieutenant from seven years prior. After three rounds of drinks, Mooska offers the couple another round; Ed declines, but Kelly insists on another, which proves consistent with Ed's recollection of their relationship. Mooska deems that "the lady wins" and so gets another round.[3]
- Episode 2x01: Ja'loja
- Episode 2x06: A Happy Refrain (mentioned only)
- Episode 2x13: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow