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The Orville Wiki

Nyxia was a terrestrial planet and home world of the Nyxians. It was destroyed by its expanding sun in 2420.


Prior to its destruction, Nyxia was the eleventh and most distant planet orbiting its star. The surface of the world once hosted vast ecosystems and civilization, all of which was lost between 2320 and 2420. Stores of artificially produced dysonium ore existed beneath the sub-surface of the planet.

In the final century, the only semblance of remaining life was a small subterranean enclave of survivors. Access to the underground structure was through a subterranean access port.


The final, dramatic destruction of Nyxia was observed by the USS Orville. Three days before its sun engulfed the planet, the heat and stellar radiation dissipated the Nyxian atmosphere and the planet's waters began to evaporate. By the middle of the next day, Nyxia's oceans had "boiled away like a pot of water on a stove."[1] At the start of the third day, the planet began to break up.


