The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

The homeworld of the Okudum was an inhabited world home to the Okudum, a technologically primitive xelayanoid species. In the early 25th century, the Nazh discovered the planet held large deposits of dysonium.


The Okudum homeworld was the fourth planet from the star HR 5070. It seems to have been arid, with steep, dry, rocky hills and rivers lined by forest. The land by the rivers was arable, and the Okudum farmed the soil.[1]

The planet seems to have had at least one moon which featured prominently in the day sky.[1]

Vegetation included a shrublike plant with green bulbs, grasses, large-leafed plants, bushes, trees, and a plant with an orange-red flower that Aki's family kept as decoration.[1][2]

Stores of dysonium were accessible near the surface, and the Nazh forced the Okudum to mine the ore by hand.[1]

