Outpost 73 was a strategic station of the Planetary Union in the early 25th century. It was based on land on the surface of an unnamed planet or moon. Outpost 73 featured prominently in the history of the Krill-Planetary Union conflict as the site of the Battle of Outpost 73, a surprise attack by the Krill in 2401. The tragic deaths of Sophie and Leyna Channing from that battle would re-surface 20 years later to hinder attempts at peace between both sides.
Outpost 73 was built by the Union sometime in the 24th century or earlier. In 2401, Planetary Union Central stationed two young officers, Gordon Malloy and Orrin Channing, there. Both men were recent graduates from Union Point, and Orrin brought his wife Sophie and their daughter Leyna as civilians.[1]
Soon after Gordon and the Channings arrived, the Krill launched a devastating surprise attack on Outpost 73. Orrin saved Gordon's life in the chaos of battle shortly before the Krill captured Orrin. His wife and daughter were killed and their bodies never found.[1]
After the attack, Outpost 73 was repaired and returned to active status.
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline where Kelly Grayson never married Ed Mercer, Doctor Claire Finn worked at Outpost 73 starting in late 2419. She was still working at the outpost in January 2421.[2]
The USS Jefferson was scheduled to stop at Outpost 73 in January 2421, following a brief cargo transfer at an unnamed space station, Claire Finn taking a trip on the Jefferson. After Claire's presence convinced Kelly that her trip to the future hadn't been a dream,[2]she resigned from the Jefferson and claimed a new ship from Outpost 73. Though they managed to launch, Outpost 73 was bombed by the Kaylon.[3]