We are over 300 planetary governments working together to ensure that no single world imposes its will upon another. We treat each other as equals.— Captain Ed Mercer[1]
The Planetary Union was a federation of space flight-capable species based at Planetary Union Central on Earth. Captain Ed Mercer defined the Union as "a growing alliance of space-faring societies dedicated to exploration."[2]
The Union was established during or before the 23rd century[3] out of a conglomeration of different worlds which had achieved space flight, including Earth and Xelaya. At the time, Earth had been unified under a single government, the League of Free Cities. The Union was established as a "supra-government," a democratic republic with its own military, where each planet had one vote. The governing body of the Union was the Planetary Union Council.[4]
By the 25th century, the Union had grown into a leading power in space, an alliance of 300 member governments and a Fleet of 3,000 vessels, challenged primarily by the deeply religious Krill and, later, the Kaylon and Moclans. However, the Union was dedicated to the peaceful exploration of space, scientific innovation, and discovering new life.
The League of Free Cities[]
A precursor to the Planetary Union was the League of Free Cities, a single planetwide government established on Earth in the 23rd century. Humans had recently experienced two centuries of terrible resource wars, devastating pandemics, and climate change, a period from 2000 to 2200 known as the Lost Centuries. Earth's surviving population centers formed a single government, the League, to protect the species and ensure its long-run survival.[5]
The Planetary Union was founded some time prior to 2235. In these early days, Union explorers were more akin to missionaries, giving advanced technology to less advanced societies before this resulted in a nuclear holocaust on Gendel 3, only five years after the Union had contacted them. After this experience, the Union came to understand that planets had to progress at their own pace, passing strict laws that forbade interference in pre-space flight cultures.[3] The Union was a federated supra-planetary government. Representative government in the Planetary Union Council ensures "that no single world imposes its will upon another."[6]
According to Captain Ed Mercer, the combined fleet of the Union in the year 2419 was roughly 3,000 vessels spread across a single quadrant of the galaxy.[7]
It is known that each world had its own unified government which represented the entire people of the planet before the Union Council, as the Alibar had an independent government led by an elected president.[8] The Alibar government chose to secede from the Union in 2400.[9]
There were no prisons within the Planetary Union, only rehabilitation facilities, humanity having abolished prisons in 2215 after making peace with the fact that prisons were largely inefficient societal tools that, rather than turning out citizens instead manufactured criminals. Other, more complex and evolved means of behavioral correction were considered both more humane and more effective.[10]
Through 2419 to 2421, the Planetary Union consisted of over 300 planetary governments,[2] including:
- Alibar (Alibars): Until December 2400[9]
- Earth (Humans): Host of Planetary Union Central.
- Moclus (Moclans): Until 2422.[11]
- Xelaya (Xelayans)
- Retepsia (Retepsians)[12]
- Gelatins[12]
- Olix's species[12]
- Dakeeli
- Kaylon 1 (Kaylon): Provisional members as of 2422[13]
- Kamalids[3]
The Union maintained a network of colonies, which were not sovereign members of the Union Council:
- Chara 3: Colony destroyed by the Krill in late 2419.[14]
- Epsilon system
- Epsilon 2: Location of the Epsilon Science Station.
- Epsilon 5
- Jintann system
- Kastra 4: A brand-new colony in late 2419.[14]
- Rana 3: Hosted a population of 100,000 as of 2419.[14]
Additionally, a refuge for Moclan females known as "The Sanctuary" was protected by the Union as a quasi-colony.[15] It was later acknowledged as a sovereign state under the Union's protection following the expulsion of Moclus from the Union.
Other planets had an unclear status despite being part of the Union in some way:
- Antares 2: Host of a Union school
- Theta Draconis 4
- ? (Belkarians): Represented in the Union Fleet.
The Union was a federation of space-flight capable species. Union members coordinated relations through the Planetary Union Central located in New York City, Earth. The principal organ of Union Central was the Planetary Union Council, tasked with keeping peace amid Union alliances. Though there were over 300 member civilizations in the Union, the Council seems to have had a small, rotating body of voting members.
The foundational document of the Union was its charter, which established that all sentient life is equal and no member has the right to use force to impose its will on another.[16]
Many high-level decisions within the Union had to be decided by the admiralty by giving clearance.[17]
The Union was a peaceful federation, and Captain Ed Mercer stated in 2421 that the Union had never initiated a war.
Of the billions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy, the Union charted "barely a fraction."[6]
The highly advanced Kaylon species was on amiable terms with the Union during the early 25th century through 2420. In 2419, the Kaylon assigned an emissary, named Isaac, to serve on the USS Orville in consideration of joining the Union,[18] and Union leadership grows increasingly interested in an alliance with the Kaylon against the Krill.[19]
In late 2420, the Kaylon rejected membership, predicting biological life would eventually hinder their technological advancement. The Kaylon declared war on the Union shortly thereafter.[2] Isaac, having defied the Kaylon attack, was reinstated and allowed to remain as a member of the Orville crew. Another Kaylon who sought peace, named Timmis, was recovered in 2422.[20]
Following the development of a weapon capable of destroying the Kaylon, the Planetary Union was able to force an armistice between the two sides. However, the betrayal of Admiral Perry led to the Krill and the Moclans working together to use the weapon in order to commit genocide against the Kaylon. The Union and the Kaylon formed an uneasy alliance to stop the Krill and the Moclans ending with Ensign Charly Burke sacrificing herself to destroy the weapon. Charly's sacrifice to save them despite her own personal hatred for the Kaylon caused them to re-evaluate their view on organics and bring a permanent end to the war. The Kaylon subsequently accepted an offer for provisional membership in the Planetary Union with the aim of becoming full members in the future. They also agreed to continue helping the Union fight the Krill-Moclan alliance.[13]
For much of the 24th and early 25th century, the Union frequently battled the antagonistic Krill in a long-running Krill-Planetary Union conflict. Krill followed the Anhkana, a religious text that taught that they were superior to all other life, which led to conflict with the Planetary Union since at least the mid-24th century - although no exact starting date has been identified.[n 1] Hundreds of thousands of Union lives were lost to Krill attacks over many years, yet the Union refused to declare war because a protracted conflict would jeopardize the Union's stability.[14][21]
A dramatic shift in relations came in February 2421 after the devastating Battle of Earth and the new Kaylon threat. Both sides hurriedly installed a ceasefire, and a month later signed the Lak'vai Pact of Tarazed 3, signaling a new commitment to peace.[21] Following this, the Krill proved receptive of continued efforts to further the pact by allowing negotiations for access through their space to previously unexplored regions. In response, the Union granted the Krill mining rights on an uninhabited planet in their territory. The Krill, however, stated that they were very much of the opinion that it was only a temporary alliance and that the alliance would be dissolved once the Kaylon were crushed.[22]
Later in 2422, the Krill and the Planetary Union were in negotiations to form a more comprehensive treaty. This, however, was thrown out the window when the Krill elected Teleya as their new Supreme Chancellor. Teleya, who had once infiltrated the Orville in disguise and had intimate relations with Captain Ed Mercer, preached a fiery rhetoric that advised returning to the old ways and severing all ties with the Union. She executed the previous Supreme Chancellor and attempted the same with the Union delegation as well. She let Ed go because he had previously done the same for her, and he learned that the two of them had a child together. He tried to use this to sue for lasting peace, but she rejected this overture and returned him to the others to be executed. Though the group was ultimately rescued by the team from the Orville, the incident ruptured the bond that had been formed, placing the Planetary Union and the Krill once again on war footing and vulnerable to the Kaylon threat.[23]
The Krill subsequently formed an alliance with the Moclans following their expulsion from the Planetary Union, working together to use a new weapon developed by Isaac and Ensign Charly Burke to commit genocide against the Kaylon. The Union forged an uneasy alliance with the Kaylon themselves in order to stop the Krill and the Moclans in the Battle of Draconis 427. In the end, the weapon was destroyed when Charly Burke sacrificed herself to overload the super quantum core, destroying the Moclan outpost, a large chunk of the landmass that it was sitting upon and the orbiting Krill-Moclan fleet. During the battle, Krill Supreme Chancellor Teleya was captured by Kelly Grayson and Talla Keyali, arrested and taken back to Earth to stand trial for war crimes. With Charly's sacrifice having caused the Kaylon to re-evaluate their view on organics, the Kaylon made peace with the Union and agreed to help them in their ongoing fight against the Krill and the Moclans.[13]
Relations with other civilizations[]
The Union had sole authority to conduct and maintain relations with other non-member worlds.
- Alibar (Alibars): Former members of the Union in the 24th century. Alibars seceded from the Union in 2400 over fears that other species were infiltrating their society and threatening their security.[8] The species adopted an extreme isolationist policy from 2401 to 2421, having no contact with outside species and refusing communication requests from the Union.[9] They left the universe in July 2421 using the Quantum Shifter.[8]
- Calivon: The Calivon were technologically more advanced and regarded Union planets as inferior life forms. While the Calivon were not hostile towards the Union, they were dangerous, and the Union strictly forbade any avoidable contact with them.
- Horbalak: A race notorious for their smugglers.[24]
- Janisi: A fiercely matriarchal species, the Janisi naturally dismissed any males in a position of authority. On one occasion, however, Lieutenant Talla Keyali successfully earned their respect by punching her captain in the face to demonstrate her dominance, which led to the Janisi providing their assistance in repairing a Union ship which had been crippled by the Krill.[17] As a result of the Kaylon conflict and breaking of the Krill ceasefire, the Union pursued diplomatic relations with the Janisi.[25]
- Lakkar B (Envall): The Union maintained positive diplomatic relations with the Envall. However, Envall blood contained dangerously explosive compounds when in contact with nitrogen, limiting contact with Union member species. In the year 2370, the Envall agreed with the Union that they would avoid worlds with nitrogen-rich atmospheres.[21]
- Lopovius (Navarians, Bruidians): Both species of Lopovius were neighbors and allies of the Union but engaged in a long dispute over the planet. Neither species was original to Lopovius but originated from another unnamed planet or planets. In early 2420, both species agreed that the Union would serve as a neutral host in the interest of peace talks.
- Nazh: The Union treated the Nazh has a hostile, independent people.[26]
- Okudum: A peaceful, primitive people until 2421, when enslaved by the brutal and advanced Nazh.[26]
- Sephalda: Home to Chalmi's species, descendants of the ancient Zankon.[27]
- Tzel: The Union fought a bloody conflict with these large, caterpillar-like aliens in the early 24th century, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives.[28]
- Unuk 4: Visiting this planet was strictly forbidden by the Union due to its violent inhabitants who sacrificed anyone they could capture to a "raccoon god" by methodically dismembering them.
Other contacts[]
The Union maintained a record of contact with other species, which tracked a history of relations but also indicated whether an officer is about to make first contact with another world.[17]
- "The Bio-ship" (Jahavus Dorahl's species): A species who left their home planet 2,000 years ago in a bio-ship. Around November 2419, the Union arranged to send a special crew to train the Dorahlians to use their ship.[29]
- Sargus 4 (Sarguns): The Union maintained a no-contact policy with the developing planet of Sargus 4, although in 2419, the Union sent two undercover anthropologists from the Union to observe them.[30]
- Habitable Moon: Accessible only through a spatial anomaly, the moon's inhabitants were devastated by war. Doctor Claire Finn formally requested that the admiralty send a medical crew to offer to help them.[31]
- Two-dimensional space: Accessible only through an aperture, Union scientists study a two-dimensional species that lives there but have no way to contact them.[24]
- Kandar 1: A technologically advanced species from another universe on good terms with the Union.[32]
- Chog homeworld (Chogs): The survivors of the lost battle ship Burton made contact with these friendly, primitive people in the early 24th century. Over a hundred years later, the Chogs were discovered by the Union, who began work to repair the damage caused to their homeworld's biosphere during the Tzel war.[28][33]
- Nyxia (Nyxians): Nyxia was destroyed by its sun in late 2420. The Orville rescued 35 Nyxians.[34]
- Regor 2 (Regorians): Regorians formally requested first contact in late 2420, but their differences in beliefs about astrology damaged relations with the Union to the point where they isolated themselves.[17]

First Officer Kelly Grayson, Second Officer Bortus, and Commanding Officer Ed Mercer
Commanders were the heads of Union ships, ranked as captain and commander, who supervised section chiefs.

Science Badge
Officers of the Science Level were responsible for research and experimentation[n 2] and data analysis.[n 3] They frequently accompanied away teams[29] and worked with the Engineering Level.

Doctor Claire Finn and her medical team working to save Bortus' life
Officers of the Medical Level were specialist science officers who had attained the title of doctor or nurse and worked in medicine, life sciences, astronomy, chemistry, biology, exobiology, mathematics, and computer science.[35]

Helmsman Gordon Malloy and Chief Engineer John LaMarr
Engineers were in charge the helm, navigation, and engineering, including the operation and maintenance of vessels and shuttlecraft.[35] Their most crucial function was to maintain a ship's quantum accelerators for faster-than-light travel. A sub-section of engineering was helm control. Engineering officers could serve as pilots of ships, including the navigator responsible for trajectory and the helmsman responsible for flight.

Chief of Security Talla Keyali briefing her security team
Security officers were in charge of the safety of the ship's personnel and guests and oversaw the Brig.
Hierarchy within the Planetary Union fleet was determined by rank, which was publicly identifiable through insignia displayed on the shoulders of the uniforms.
Officers were evaluated by superiors every six months.[36]
The Planetary Union boasted an impressive array of scientific and defensive technologies. Ships in the fleet traversed distances at a rate well in excess of the speed of light by using a quantum drive. Food and Matter Synthesizers came equipped in Union ships to provide necessary food and materials for extended travel.
The Union was at the cusp of light and image projection technology. Shuttlecraft were capable of cloaking themselves. Environmental Simulators created entire simulated worlds for leisure and education. A major breakthrough came when the Union seized highly advanced holographic generation technology from the Calivon in October 2419, which scientists were able to adapt to their own purposes.
The planet Moclus was a primary industrial location for weapons testing and manufacture for the Union. Ships came equipped with Plasma Torpedoes and Plasma Cannons. Handheld weapons included the plasma model line: the PM-32 for colonists, and the PM-44, PM-488 Titan and PM-57R for officers.
Other impressive technologies included deflector screens, tractor beams, implanted translating devices, and manipulation of quantum fields through quantum accelerators and quantum engines. By 2422 the Union became the first government to successfully create time travel technology.
The Union used the metric system.[37]
Union Communications Network[]
The Union maintained thousands of relay stations throughout the Milky Way galaxy, designed to receive communication signals and to transmit them to their recipient.[38]
With technology such as matter synthesizers having solved major problems of inequality, Union culture was based on upon individuals realizing themselves to their full potential. Members of the Union had no need for any sort of currency, thus social classes and constructs based upon this system had been abolished. The only life that was considered poor was one that was wasted on apathy. So long as someone contributed positively, they were considered a member of society in good standing. Due to needs being provided, work was not required, but was considered satisfying for reasons other than compensation. Due to the concept of working for a living being ingrained in so many cultures, this was always the part that newcomers into the Union had the hardest time adapting to. There were no barriers between species within the Planetary Union, so long as all worked within the Union's rules.[3] For example, despite the Union being based on the Human planet of Earth, its President, Alcuzan, was a member of a blue-skinned unknown species.[23]
Although ambition was rewarded within Planetary Union society, there were those who simply weren't interested in this. They preferred to keep things simple - to go to work, then go home and relax by whatever method they preferred. Furthermore, there were some colonies which favored professions of farming and building. Those were considered too much of an "egghead" could alienate those who resented them for being seemingly always right. As such, such individuals would sometimes hide their intelligence and ambition in order to fit in, a mentality that could become ingrained even when they found themselves elsewhere.[24]
According to both Admiral Tom Halsey and Captain Ed Mercer, the Planetary Union Fleet consisted of about 3,000 starships spread across the quadrant as of September 2419. Over 30 of these ships were lost in the Battle of Earth in February 2421 (and probably many more). Of the Union Fleet, sixteen ships have been identified:
- USS Blériot[39]
- USS Bohr (SCV-119)[9]
- USS Burnell[15]
- USS California: A Leviathan-class heavy cruiser and flagship of Admiral Ozawa in 2422.[40]
- USS Chanute[n 4]
- USS Clemens[41]
- USS Druyan[29]
- CCV Hawking (CCV-956): Destroyed during the Kaylon conflict.[4]
- USS Newton, A mid-level, Science-class cruiser.[42]
- USS Olympia (LCV-529), A Leviathan-class heavy cruiser and flagship of Admiral Ozawa in 2419.[14]
- USS Olympia (SCV-183), A mid-level, Science-class cruiser.[43]
- USS Orville (ECV-197), A mid-size Exploratory-class vessel. Commanded by Ed Mercer as of September 2419.
- USS Quimby: Destroyed during the Kaylon conflict.[4]
- USS Roosevelt: Destroyed during the Kaylon conflict.[4]
- USS Spruance: Commanded by Admiral Tom Halsey, heavily damaged during the Kaylon conflict.[4]
- USS Ulysses (SCV-???): Commanded by an unnamed female captain.[33]
- USS Watson[44]
- ECV-342: An unnamed Exploratory-class vessel.[45]
Military awards[]
Sapphire Star[]
The Sapphire Star, had been awarded to Alara Kitan "for outstanding courage, valor, and resourcefulness, in the finest Union tradition,"[46] and to Yaphit "for extraordinary heroism beyond the call of duty during the Kaylon conflict."[47]
Medal of Valor[]
For her heroic actions in the Battle of Draconis 427 that had helped towards a peace with the Kaylon, Ensign Charly Burke was posthumously awarded the Union Medal of Valor.[13]
Administration of the Fleet was overseen by its desk admirals, who were assisted by their adjutants (who functioned as secretaries) and other administrative staff. Fleet vessels were staffed by senior-level officers:
- Commanding officer, part of the Command branch with the rank of either admiral, captain or commander.
- First officer, part of the Command section who was either a captain (if the commanding officer was an admiral), a commander (if the commanding officer was a captain), or a lieutenant commander (if the commanding officer was a commander).
- Second officer, part of the Command section with the rank of lieutenant commander.
- Chief medical officer, leader of the Medical branch with a rank of lieutenant commander.
- Chief science officer, in charge of Science sections, ordinarily staffed by a lieutenant commander (an exception was made in the case of Isaac).
- Chief engineering officer, in charge of Engineering, staffed by a lieutenant commander.
- Chief security officer, head of Security with the rank of lieutenant commander.
- Helmsman, part of Engineering, the pilot of a ship who held the rank of lieutenant.
- Navigator, part of Engineering with the rank of either lieutenant of ensign.[48]
All persons took an oath upon becoming an officer within the Union.[49] While the oath's words is not known, it is believed to be a promise to adhere to the standards, directives and regulations of the Union at all times.
- Fleet Museum - The Union kept an old battleship similar to the BCV Burton here.[33]
- Human Resources - Both Kelly[44] and Chief Engineer Steve Newton[50] have referred to a Human Resources department of the Union.
- Central Library - A library within the Planetary Union Council.
- Planetary Union Board of Education[28]
- Planetary Union Security[51]
- Planetary Union Symphony - The Union Symphony toured the fleet each summer, performing music on ships.[18]
- On a Friday in December 2420, the Union Symphony performed in the Shuttle Bay of the USS Orville. They perform "MGM Jubilee Overture" before moving to the main performance.[18]
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline where Ed Mercer did not become captain of the USS Orville, the Kaylon defeated the Planetary Union at the Battle of Earth in February 2421 and scoured Earth of all life in the process. The Union effectively dissolved, and the Kaylon went on to destroy other Union worlds such as Moclus. Remnants of the Union reformed as the Resistance, which was roundly defeated by the Kaylon over the following nine months. [52]

Early concept sketches of Section uniforms by wardrobe designer Joseph Porro. Seen here is probably Medical, Security, and Engineering (later changed to orange).
Uniforms of the Planetary Union were created by wardrobe designer Joseph Porro, who went through over 100 designs until creator Seth MacFarlane settled on the current version.[53]
Fox released a promotional description of each Section in mid-August, 2017, in preparation for the series premiere.[54] The descriptions were included in an informational booklet as part of their 2017 press kits.
- Command Level: Those in the Command ranks oversee all aspects of the ship, with the primary goals of keeping its occupants - and those of the Planetary Union - safe.
- Science Level: As an exploratory vessel, The Orville requires top-notch scientists to aid in the investigation of of the unknown and help solve the riddles of the universe.
- Medical Bay: With space exploration comes the great unknown, and with it, the risk of injury or disease. Medical Officers aboard The Orville help keep the crew in tip-top shape.
- Engineering Level: It takes steady hands for the helmsman and navigator to steer through supernovas, black holes and asteroid fields - while the engineering officers and maintenance crew works at the speed of light in the heart of the ship.

Concept sketch of a standardized uniform by Joseph Porro.
- The Planetary Union is often compared to the United Federation of Planets in the Star Trek franchise.
- The Union extended to Isaac a "provisionary commission"[56] as a Science and Engineering Officer as until January 2420, he was an observer on behalf on of Kaylon 1 and not a member of the Planetary Union.[n 5]
- In addition to the orange sub-sections of engineering and helm, creator Seth MacFarlane has also referred to a sub-section called "Ship's Services."[57]
- Both Kelly[44] and Chief Engineer Steve Newton[50] have referred to a Human Resources department of the Union, but why an organization comprised of 300 different species would call the department Human Resources is unclear.
- There is some dispute about the foundation of the Planetary Union. The book The Guide to The Orville states that the Planetary Union was founded in 2273. However, this contradicts the episode Future Unknown, which establishes that Union officers were active in the year 2235.
- Most member species of the Union are adapted to temperate climates.[58]
- ↑ In Blood of Patriots, Ed Mercer notes that the conflict between the Union and the Krill has lasted for longer than either him and Ambassador K.T.Z. have been alive.
- ↑ In conjunction with John LaMarr, Isaac was in charge of researching the impact of a mysterious spatial anomaly on the Orville. Episode 1x11: New Dimensions.
- ↑ Examples are ubiquitous. E.g., Isaac retrieves scanning data of a multiphasic planet, Episode 1x12: Mad Idolatry.
- ↑ Mentioned by Commander Kelly Grayson as the ship of a particularly talented young lieutenant commander. Episode 1x01: Old Wounds
- ↑ There's no official confirmation Science Officer is any different from other Union position and that it could be casually acquired by a civilian.
- ↑ Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Future Unknown
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Episode 2x09: Identity, Pt. 2
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 14.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Ed Mercer. Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ Episode 1x01: Old Wounds
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Episode 2.5x02: Launch Day, Pt. 2
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Episode 2.5x01: Launch Day, Pt. 1
- ↑ Sympathy for the Devil
- ↑ Episode 3x08: Midnight Blue
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Observed at the Planetary Union Council. Episode 2x12: Sanctuary
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Episode 3x09: Domino
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Episode 1x06: Krill
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Episode 2x12: Sanctuary
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 64.
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Episode 2x05: All the World is Birthday Cake
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Episode 2x06: A Happy Refrain
- ↑ Tom Halsey: "God knows we could use a strong ally against the Krill." Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ From Unknown Graves
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Episode 2x10: Blood of Patriots
- ↑ Episode 3x02: Shadow Realms
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Episode 3x04: Gently Falling Rain
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Episode 1x11: New Dimensions
- ↑ Episode 3x07: From Unknown Graves
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Episode 2.5x03: Heroes, Pt. 1
- ↑ Episode 2.5x07: Artifacts, Pt. 1
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Episode 1.5x01: New Beginnings, Pt. 1
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Episode 1x04: If the Stars Should Appear
- ↑ Episode 1x07: Majority Rule
- ↑ Episode 1x08: Into the Fold
- ↑ Episode 1x12: Mad Idolatry
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Episode 1.5x02: New Beginnings, Pt. 2
- ↑ Episode 2x02: Primal Urges
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Bond, Jeff. The World of the Orville. Titan Books. 2018. Pg. 32.
- ↑ Kelly Grayson: "Yaphit's six month evaluation was last week..." Episode 2x03: Home
- ↑ Alara Kitan: "When I first got here, I could lift 100 kilos more than that." Episode 2x03: Home (italics added)
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 43.
- ↑ Episode 1x02: Command Performance
- ↑ Episode 3x06: Twice in a Lifetime
- ↑ Episode 1x03: About a Girl
- ↑ Episode 3x05: A Tale of Two Topas
- ↑ Episode 1x09: Cupid's Dagger
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 Episode 2x07: Deflectors
- ↑ Episode 2x14: The Road Not Taken
- ↑ Ed Mercer. Episode 1x02: Command Performance
- ↑ Ed Mercer. Episode 2x10: Blood of Patriots
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pp. 56-63.
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 51.
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 Episode 1x05: Pria
- ↑ Episode 2x01: Ja'loja
- ↑ Episode 2x14: The Road Not Taken
- ↑ Wyckoff, Anna. "The Orville". Costume Designers Guild. Oct. 10, 2017.
- ↑ Fienberg, Daniel. "'X-Files' Diversity, 'Orville' Confusion Among Press Tour Highlights (and Lowlights) From Day 15". Hollywood Reporter. Aug. 9, 2017.
- ↑ @planetary_union. Untitled. Twitter. May 5, 2018.
- ↑ Isaac. Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ @SethMacFarlane. "Blue: Command. Red: Security. Green: Science and Medical. Orange: Engineering, Helm, and Ship’s Services.". Twitter. Jan. 17, 2019.
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 55.