Randall wants his money, asshole!— One of Randall's thugs to Gordon Malloy[1]
Randall was a troll-like alien who appeared in a simulation on Narran 1 created by Dinal. He was a school bully at Oakwood High School wielding a large axe who would demand money from the students there in order to keep him from beating them up.
In 2422 the crew of the USS Orville discovered abundant lifesign readings on the planet of Narran 1, a planet that had been previously scanned by other Planetary Union vessels as being a "lifeless rock." Confused, they sent down a team consisting of Captain Ed Mercer, Commander Kelly Grayson, Lieutenant Commander Bortus, Lieutenant Talla Keyali and Lieutenant Gordon Malloy to investigate.
Upon arrival, the group found themselves in an idyllic forest setting and within it the oddly out-of-place Oakwood High School, seemingly a 20th-century Earth high school. They entered to investigate, only to find themselves trapped within the building. Gordon then became separated from the group and was accosted by a group of bullies who told him that Randall wanted his money. When he expressed confusion, they roughed him up until finally he gave in, saying that he would give Randall the money. They then told him that he had until 3:15 P.M. to pay up.
Gordon reunited with the group and they decided to talk with students at the school's cafeteria. They learned from these students that Randall was a bully who demand money from people in order for him to not beat them up. They also learned that he hung out by the school's bleachers. With no other leads they decided to go investigate the bleachers in the hope of finding Randall. Upon doing so, Randall suddenly appeared: a massive, hulking, troll-like alien carrying a giant axe. He seized Gordon and thrashed him within an inch of his life. As this was happening, Gordon experienced a strange sensation of being out of body.
It later transpired that both Randall and the high school itself were all a simulation. This simulation, along with several others the group experienced, were created by Dinal, a Kandarian. The Kandarians had previously met the crew of the Orville, Kelly Grayson once having served as the inspiration for a religion on their planet. As time passed differently for them when their planet phased outside of the Planetary Union's universe, over 50,000 years had passed for the Kandarians. They had evolved to the point of being immortal and thus Dinal had created the simulation in order to experience the sensation of mortality.[2]