Regor 2 is the home planet of the Regorians located in the Gamma Velorum system.
Regor 2 is the second of seven planets orbiting a star.
The planet is mostly ocean.
The native species are Regorians, a humanoid people less developed than the Planetary Union. They have a single nation and government, and have developed, bustling cities, satellite networks, and astronomical arrays.
Regorians maintain a large satellite network in orbit around the planet solely to chart the position of stars in the sky for the purposes of their astrological calendar. The following constellations are visible in the night sky of Regor 2:
- Giliac
- Wasanda - The "future leaders" of the planet. Their "paths will be bathed with glory," and they will be "richly rewarded" for their contributions.[1]
- Panaji
- Corobahn
- Valeigh

The capital of Regor 2 at night.
In the real world, Gamma Velorum, also known as Regor, is a quadruple star system in the constellation Vela. It is located 1,096 light years from Earth, a distance which the Orville's quantum drive would cross in just short of 110 hours, over four and a half days.
The name Regor ("Roger" spelled in reverse) was invented as a practical joke by the Apollo 1 astronaut Gus Grissom for his fellow astronaut Roger Chaffee.