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The Orville Wiki
Service Pistol

Regorian prison warden wielding his service pistol

Regorian Service Pistol is a semi-automatic pistol used by the Regorian military alongside the PDW.


The service pistol is a black, hammerless sidearm, composed of polymers and metal. The weapon fires from a 13-20 round magazine and is issued to soldiers who are usually officers.


While in a Giliac prison camp, a warden used the pistol to intimidate Kelly Grayson and Bortus, when they decided to try and fight their way out. Grayson gets ahold of one during their attempted escape of the prison camp.



  • The weapon used for the Regorian service pistol is a Heckler & Koch VP9, which is a 9mm and or the VP40 .40 S&W chambered semi-automatic handgun.