The Rescue of the USS Druyan is a military conflict in late November, 2419, between the Planetary Union and the Krill. A Krill destroyer attacks the colony transporter USS Druyan, which was travelling unaccompanied near the edge of charted space. The USS Orville intervenes and defeats the enemy destroyer, saving many lives.
In November, a heavy Krill destroyer attacks the unescorted colony transport Druyan on the edge of charted space. At the time, the Druyan was filled with colonists, including children. The precise reason for the attack is unknown.
The Druyan's Captain sends a Priority One distress call for help, though the only ship in range is the Orville, an Exploratory-class vessel at the time led by its Second Officer Bortus. The Druyan reports heavy casualties and impending destruction; the Orville, 3.33 light years away, arrives within 20 minutes.[n 1]
For most of the battle, the Orville finds itself outgunned. Tit-for-tat volleys of plasma weapons leave both ships heavily damaged.
Eventually, the Orville quantum drive injectors are so compromised that the ship cannot survive another blast on its starboard side. Bortus initially believes that the only chance to survive is to destroy the enemy's weapons, but Navigator John LaMarr correctly believes that the enemy's engines are severely compromised as well. John concentrates fire on the engines. The engines explode with tremendous impact, destroying most of the enemy ship.
The attempted rescue of the Druyan is a rousing success for the Union. The Druyan reports heavy casualties from the first attack by the Krill, but few subsequent injuries and no fatalities after the Orville's intervention. The Orville's casualties are unknown, but damage to the starboard injector was significant and the Orville cannot maneuver in space until Engineering repairs it.
- ↑ The distance is reported as 20 minutes at maximum speed. The Orville is established in Episode 1x05: Pria as having a maximum speed of 10 light years per hour.