The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

Rokal was a Regorian man imprisoned in a giliac camp in the early 25th century. He was freed at the end of 2420.


Rokal was born under the Giliac constellation in the Regorian astrological calendar. In keeping with Regorian policy for giliacs, the government took Rokal shortly after birth and imprisoned in a camp for the rest of his life.

Ukania met and joined with a fellow giliac, Ukania. Ukania was pregnant by November 2420, and she gave birth to a daughter in December. Because the girl was born under the sign of Wasanda, Ukania and Rokal hid her under their barracks floorboards. "We tried so hard to make the timing work," Ukania said. "She should have been born a Giliac."

Ukania intended to hide their daughter indefinitely. However, Rokal believed that hiding their daughter under the floorboards would hurt her and keeping the secret would be impossible anyways, and that she would live a better life in government care: "She could grow up in prosperity, have every opportunity, every need provided for."

Rokal told the Warden of their daughter during the next inspection, and the prison guards took her. Ukania was devastated. The event spurred Kelly Grayson and Bortus, fellow prisoners, to revolt in an unsuccessful attempt at freedom.

The Orville created a fake Giliac star appear in the sky, which the Regorians interpreted to mean 'change' and began closing the prison camps. Rokal was released shortly thereafter.


  • It is unclear whether Ukania and Rokal remained together after he betrayed their daughter's whereabouts to the Warden.
  • Rokal and Ukania were evidently bullied by a much stronger Regorian man who would steal their food rations.

