The Science Prefect was the title of a Regorian woman who was head of sciences for the government of Regor 2 in the early 25th century. She reported to the First Prefect.
Most notably, the Science Prefect was in charge of a satellite array capable which broadcasted a signal into space inviting first contact from alien worlds.
In 2417, the Science Prefect developed schematics for a satellite array capable of sending a signal into space. The array was built after "top industry technicians" had approved those schematics (although she did not tell them what the array would be used for), and the First Prefect decided to send the signal.
In 2420, the Science Prefect joined the First Prefect and Makkal in making the first diplomatic meeting with outside life: greeting an ambassadorial team from the USS Orville outside the capitol building.
When the away team visited the satellite array control room, the Science Prefect proudly explained how the array worked.
That night, the Science Prefect joined the others for dinner in the State Hall. When the envoy described the Planetary Union's currency-less economic system, the Science Prefect called it a utopia.
The Science Prefect was present in the First Prefect's office when the Orville demanded the release of First Officer Kelly Grayson and Second Officer Bortus for being giliacs.