The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

Doctor Sherman was a human historian and civilian member of the Planetary Union in the early 25th century.


In April 2421, Doctor Sherman transported the Saratoga Springs time capsule from where it had been exhumed in an archeological dig "just north of Albany"[1] in New York, Earth to the Delta Pavonis Museum. He found the discovery "thrilling."[1]

Sherman showed off the capsule's contents to the senior officers of the USS Orville while they escorted him to Delta Pavonis, inadvertently introducing Second Officer Bortus to cigarettes and Helmsman Gordon Malloy to Laura Huggins.


Sherman is a special guest appearance by Tim Russ. Russ recalled that he got the role thanks to his longrunning character of Tuvok on the show Star Trek: Voyager.[2]


