The Orville Wiki
The Orville Wiki

Taylor Faulkinberry is credited as "futurist" on The Orville. In Season 1, Faulkinberry worked as a visual effects coordinator and, by Season 2, she was promoted to visual effects artist and asset wrangler. Faulkinberry is perhaps best known for inventing the many languages of alien cultures on the show, most notably Krillain and Moclan.


The Orville[]

Faulkinberry created the languages of Krillain and Moclan, as well as an unidentified writing system referred to as "Pria's language" (which may have been Benzian).[1]

She designed the digital character of Groogen.[2]

Faulkinberry created various monitor screens on the USS Orville, the copy of Roots downloaded and processed by Isaac, and the text messages on Laura Huggins' phone.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Faulkinberry, Taylor. The Orville. Last accessed Oct. 10, 2020.
  2. @taylorfaulkinberry. "Anyone catch Last week’s episode of The Orville? If so, you saw my first creature design debut!! Groogen the Katrudian plant alien!". Instagram. Feb. 18, 2019.