Tomilin was a Reformer on a bio-ship and a member of Jahavus Dorahl's species.
Tomilin grew up on farm on the bioship with his father and mother, living in a cabin near the edge of the ship's ecosystem. His parents were followers of the Word of Dorahl, but in his youth, Tomilin began to doubt the veracity of his parents' religion and quietly joined the Reformers, a group of philosophical dissidents.
After an away team from the USS Orville entered the ecosystem of the Bio-ship in late October or early November 2419, Captain Ed Mercer stunned Tomilin's father with his PM-44, and the team asked his mother questions regarding their ship and their beliefs.
Tomilin was more direct and asked where they came from. Ed tried to explain that the Bio-ship was about to collide with a star but only confused Tomilin. He suspected that the others were from "the Beyond" (the name for the world outside of the ship's ecosystem) and took them to Kemka, leader of the Reformers.
Tomilin accompanied Kemka and the Orville's away team during the overthrow of the religious despot Hamelac. He was last seen entering the Bridge of the Bio-ship, marveling at space and watching an ancient recording of Jahavus Dorahl.
Tomilin had a very relaxed and logical demeanor. Even after Captain Mercer had stunned his father, and after Isaac and Doctor Claire Finn explained the greater universe, Tomilin appeared to take everything in with only subtle amounts of confusion and shock. He might have expected their claims to be true as he was a member of the Reformers and supported exploring outside the Bio-ship ecosystem.
- Tomilin was played by Max Burkholder. An autograph card appeared in the The Orville Season One Trading Cards set.