Fore view of the transport, within a tractor beam.

Aft view of the transport, within a tractor beam, as seen from the Orville bridge.

The transport as identified by the Orville's scanner.
The transport vessel, or simply transport, was the conventional title of a ship design within the Transporter-class of the Planetary Union of the early 25th century. The transport was one of the smallest crafts in the Union, only slightly larger than several shuttles and about the size of a Union fighter.

Krill prayer is observed within the Cargo Hold.
The Union transport was only slightly larger than a Union shuttle. Entry doors were positioned at its sides, opened by an external control panel.
The ship boasted a Cargo Hold, also known as the Cargo Bay.
Ship activity was recorded by a system of internal cameras.
The transport's systems were controlled by Computer. The Computer can be remotely accessed. For example, Chief Engineer John LaMarr and Lieutenant Dann took over the ship's Computer from Engineering on the USS Orville.
Other ship systems included navigation and communications.
The transport possessed quantum engines to traverse space at faster-than-light speeds. The engines were not powerful enough to break away from the tractor beams of larger vessel classes such as Exploratory-class A. Running the engines while snared in a tractor beam resulted in overheating, capitulating to an overload and an explosion.

The transport within the Orville Shuttle Bay, next to a shuttlecraft.
In the summer of 2420, a Union transport vessel was operated by a team of xenoantropologists led by Doctor Darden, accompanied by Karx, Franz, and Celeste.