In the vast emptiness of the universe, we have found a fullness of cultural diversity. And when a first contact unfolds like this, the cosmos becomes a living, breathing organism. So that within that emptiness, we become a way for the universe to know itself.— Ed Mercer to the Regorians[1]
The Universe, or the cosmos,[2] was all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.
While the Universe contained untold billions of galaxies, the Planetary Union divided its own Milky Way galaxy into quadrants, which were subdivided by sectors. Exact locations within a sector were indicated by positional coordinates and marks.
There are billions of planets in our galaxy, and we've barely charted a fraction of them.— Captain Ed Mercer[3]
The Milky Way galaxy contained billions of planets, including Earth and all the worlds of the Planetary Union. The size of the Milky Way galaxy was enormous even to civilizations capable of faster-than-light travel, and as of 2420, the Union had barely charted a fraction of its planets.[4]
The Union estimated that 93 percent of all discovered life was based on self-replicating DNA, which suggested a common origin for most life forms in the galaxy. Union scientists debated whether the DNA molecules evolved separately on individual worlds or if a common ancestor seeded habitable worlds through the galaxy billions of years ago.[5]
The Milky Way was roughly 100,000 light years in diameter, a distance which the quantum drive of the USS Orville could cross in 10,000 hours or 416.6667 days, about a week short of a year and two months.
The Milky Way galaxy was replete with complex and sentient life. According to Talla Keyali, the Union was aware of thousands of different cultures.[6]
So, how many ships in the fleet these days?"— Gordon Malloy and Ed Mercer[7]
"About 3,000, spread over the whole quadrant, which, when you think about the size of the galaxy, is actually not - What is that? Is that a beer?
In stellar cartography, a quadrant was major region of space encompassing one-fourth of a galaxy. A quadrant was probably about 25,000 light years across, based on the length of the Milky Way galaxy being 100,000 light years. Quadrants were sub-divided into units called sectors.[8] A sector was probably about 5,000 light years in diameter,[n 1] which means each quadrant had about five sectors if each sector was of equal size.
One such sector was the Naklav sector, which bordered Krill space opposite the Union. A 2422 survey of one section of the Naklav sector by the USS Orville discovered a cluster of 78 stars and 347 habitable planets but no signs of intelligent life. More than half of the Naklav sector was comprised of the Kalarr expanse. The expanse was a nearly empty but highly dangerous region of space approximately 2,609 light years in diameter (or 800 parsecs). It was home to the "Arachnids" a pseudo-species that propagated by capturing and transforming other species. The Krill call the expanse the Shadow Realm, a place where demons are said to dwell. Krill have not entered the Kalarr expanse since either the late 23rd century or very early 24th century.[9]
The quadrants of the Milky Way galaxy have not been explicitly delineated. It is believed that the quadrants were named Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma, and subdivided into smaller units known as "marks," based on the reported coordinates of the USS Druyan as "3-1-9 alpha, mark 7."
Alpha Quadrant[]
Similar to the rest of the galaxy, the Alpha Quadrant was filled with stars and their satellites. Three civilizations covered large swathes of space: the Planetary Union, the Krill, and the Chak'tal (the latter of which little is known).
The Union and the Krill's territories often abutted each other - but not always. For example, when Doctor Darden manipulated the Orville's navigational array, the ship immediately crossed from Union space into Krill space.[10] However, at other places in space, there were gaps in their border which neither the Union nor the Krill claimed. For example, somewhere between the Union and Krill territories was a dangerous pocket of unclaimed space with a two-dimensional spatial anomaly.[11]
About one day's travel from the Gatria system was a stable wormhole connecting the 29th century to the 25th, destroyed in 2419, which was five days away was Union Outpost 49.[12] Earth was 182 light years from Gatria,[13] between 58 and 422 light years from the wormhole, and between 778 and 1,622 light years from from Outpost 49. Earth was 69.57 light years from the Okudum homeworld and HR 5070.[14]
8,750 light years from Earth was Outpost 23.[15] Between 8,750 and 9,000 light years from Earth was the Chog homeworld. Up to 250 light years from the Chog homeworld and 9,000 light years from Earth was the magnetar AXP 1E 1048-59.[16]
The Epsilon system (including Epsilon 2) was about 2.5 light years from Sensoria 2 and half of a light year from an unnamed planet where Ed and Teleya fled from the Chak'tal.[17]
Planetary Union territory spread throughout one quadrant with numerous member species including Humans, Xelayans, Moclans, Retepsians, and Gelatins and many colony planets. Another major power in the same quadrant was the Krill, an aggressive reptilian humanoid species who hailed from the plant Krill.
Other major civilizations of the quadrant included the Kaylon, Calivon, Navarians, Bruidians, Chak'tal, Janisi, and myriad unnamed species. The outskirts of the quadrant were inhabited by other species but uncharted by the Union, and were considered the "frontier" of space.
By the 29th century, a species known as the Benzians became known in that quadrant of the galaxy.[12]
- Alibar system - Contained Alibar, the "Construct," and what appear to be five or six other satellites.[18]
- Avior system - A system in the vicinity of Xelaya.[19]
- Betelgeuse system - Mentioned in relation to the Betelgeusean flu, a disease that broke out on Outpost 73.[20]
- Cruxis system - A four-star system which hid part of the Zankon fleet for 3 million years with its powerful gravimetric and magnetic waves. The Planetary Union sent 12 manned missions into Cruxis in an attempt to map its interior, all of which failed. A thirteenth mission by the USS Orville to enter Cruxis and find the fleet was successful. 3.4 million years ago, Cruxis was close enough to Retepsia that the individual stars formed a constellation in the night sky, known as "The Four Brothers."[21]
- Delta Pavonis - Home to the Union Cultural History Museum[22] (also called the Delta Pavonis Museum) which received the Saratoga Springs time capsule from the Orville. Doctor Sherman stated that the Delta Pavonis Museum had been "itching" for its arrival.[23]
- Epsilon system - Consisted of at least two inhabited planets including Epsilon 2 and Epsilon 5.
- Epsilon Eridani - Commander Ed Mercer was commuting to Epsilon Eridani for work every day in 2418.[24]
- Gamma Velorum system - Contained seven planets, including Regor 2.[6]
- Gatria system - Hosted deposits of dysonium. Pria Lavesque was stranded on a sun diver, a moribund comet about to collide with Gatria's sun.[12]
- Izar system - Home to the Janisi.[6]
- Kandar system - Home to Kandar 1, a planet locked in a multiphasic orbit around a small yellow dwarf star.[25][26]
- Kaylon system - Contained the planet Kaylon 1.[4]
- Lakkar B - Distant to Union space, this system contained the Envall homeworld.[27]
- Matar system - Hosted mineral deposits mined by the Vega Mining Consortium.[12]
- Nekkar system - The Orville took the engineer Toren to a research vessel in the Nekkar system.[28]
- Obrall system - There is an uninhabited planet in this system rich in harcarium, which is used to Krill ship propulsion systems. This system was mentioned in Shadow Realms.
- Omicron Velorum star cluster - Located 176 parsecs from Earth in the direction of the constellation Vela. The Orville takes its maiden voyage to Omicron Velorum on either November 17, 2400 or February 13, 2401 to survey it.[n 2]
- Phycor system - The Phycor system was 5.9 miles away from where the Orville was attacked by Kaylon Sphere in Electric Sheep. It has several orbiting bodies, including a planet with tremendous cyclonic activity.
- Septar binary system - A pair of stars consisting of the primary, a type B7 white dwarf star, and the secondary, a type M2 red dwarf. The radial velocity of the white dwarf was 89.6 kilometers per second.[29]
- Solar system - Consisted of a star known as Sol or the Sun and eight planets, including Earth. Site of the Battle of Earth in February 2421.
- Zonari system - Located at least six light-years from the Sanctuary, this star system contained one planet believed to be uninhabited by the Union. An unregistered Moclan facility was discovered on the planet in 2422.[30]
- An unnamed K-type star system hosted three planets in orbit. The innermost planet was habitable and colonized by Moclan females, establishing "The Sanctuary."[28]
- Vendek system - Contained the planet Vendek 2.[24]
There are several unidentified star systems as well:
- An unidentified star system lied within a class-six absorption nebula, consisting of a K-type star with three planets in orbit, including "The Sanctuary."[28]
- An unidentified star system within Planetary Union space, its fourth planet was habitable.[17]
- Arboreus Prime - Renowned as a vacation planet with rides, entertainment, and hotels that floated in the sky. Doctor Claire Finn, her sons Ty and Marcus, and Isaac meant to visit the planet for a holiday but their shuttle was sucked into the gravity well of a Class-2 spatial fold. A dockmaster on the planet reported to the Orville that they never arrived.[12]
- Calivon - Home of the Calivon species.[31][32]
- Chara 3 - Host of a former Union colony, destroyed in a Krill raid for its resources.[33]
- Chog homeworld
- Deneb 3 - A planet mentioned by simulations of Ed's parents, BertBen Mercer and Jeannie Mercer, as their weekend getaway destination.[31]
- Draconis 427 - The site of a Moclan research outpost.[34]
- Earth - Home of the human species. Host world of Planetary Union Central in New York City. Orbited by the Union Dockyard and the Moon, its lone permanent natural satellite.[35]
- Elnath 4 - A planet saved from an asteroid by the Orville in October 2419. Were it not for the Orville's "cutting beam," the asteroid would have collided in one month, 17 days.[36]
- Envall homeworld[27]
- Epsilon 2 - Host of the famous Epsilon Science Station, known for the technological breakthroughs of its scientists.[35]
- Epsilon 5 - A Union colony.[17]
- Gendel 3 - Formerly the home of a thriving civilization, this planet was ravaged by a nuclear holocaust when factions warred over technology provided by early Planetary Union missionaries. Following this, new first contact rules were put in place.[37]
- Kastra 4 - A Union mining colony.[33]
- Kaylon 1 - Home of the Kaylon species.[35]
- Krill - Home of the Krill species. A world of "perpetual night," shrouded in cloud cover that obscures 96 percent of sunlight from the planet's surface.[33]
- Lopovius - Colony planet of both the Navarians and Bruidians.[38]
- Moclus - Home of the Moclan species.[36]
- Mizar 2 - A planet home to a primitive culture. Union xenoanthropologists Darden, Karx, Franz and Celeste were assigned to study this culture in summer 2420, only to take their transport vessel into Krill space.[10]
- Narran 1 - An uninhabited planet.[39]
- Nazh - Home of the Nazh species.[40]
- Nyxia - Home of the Nyxian species. Destroyed in August 2420 by its own star.[41]
- Okudum homeworld[42]
- Rana 3 - A Union farming colony.[33]
- Regor 2 - Home of the Regorian species.[6]
- Retepsia - Home of the Retepsian species.[28]
- Rhealon 4 - While a Union Point cadet, Kelly Grayson was aboard a ship breaking gravity on Rhealon 4.[24]
- Rochelle - In mid-2421, Admiral Perry orders the Orville to Rochelle to receive a new mission.[42]
- "The Sanctuary" - A secret refuge of Moclan females.[28]
- Sabik 3 - The site of Union space station, designated as a maximum security research station, which was destroyed by the Kaylon in 2422.[43]
- Sargus 4 - Host of the Sargun species.[44]
- Sensoria 2 - A holiday excursion spot located two light years from Epsilon 5.[17]
- Situla 4 - The site of a Navarian colony abandoned in 2412.[45]
- Veil Nebula - A cloud of heated and ionized gas roughly 2,400 light years from Earth.[46]
- Vendek 2 - A planet with a covariant ring system which was used by the Orville to elude a pair of Kaylon Spheres.[24]
- Vikarris - A planet close in proximity to Xelaya and Kaylon.[47]
- An unnamed terrestrial planet that was the refuge of Ed and Teleya from the Chak'tal in 2420. About half of a light year from Sensoria 2 and 2.5 light years from Epsilon 5.[17]
- An unnamed gas giant orbited by 32 moons, including a habitable moon landed upon by Claire, her children, and Isaac.[12]
- An unnamed planet was part of the Hemblicite Empire.[48]
- Xelaya - Home of the Xelayan species.[49]
In addition to the list below, there was an unidentified planet as well:
- Pria Lavesque said there was a planet on the frontier where business negotiations began by showing their genitals.[12]
Cosmic and stellar bodies[]
- J-2837 (star) - On the edge of the frontier of charted space. When discovered in late October 2419, the Bio-ship was on course to collide with the star in six months time.[50]
- Ed says there are no space stations nearby.[50]
- Giliac - A star in this constellation collapsed into a black hole in 702 BCE.[6]
- Class-2 Spatial Fold - An aperture spanning 1,000 light years across.[12]
- Two-dimensional space - Host of two-dimensional beings. Located in space at 3-4-8, mark 9-14.[11]
- Temporal wormhole between the 25th and 29th centuries (destroyed November 2419)[12]
- AXP 1E 1048-59 (magnetar) - A neutron star with a very powerful magnetic field. Isaac spent a few days investigating this star in June 2420. According to Gordon, the magnetar was too boring to have been given a name.[16] This magnetar is roughly 9,000 light years from Earth.
- Black hole located somewhat near a Resistance base which was in the process of assuming the debris of a recently destroyed planet.[32]
- HR 5070 (star) - A star 69.57 light years from Earth and visible in the night sky.[14] Its fourth planet is the home world of the Okudum.[42]
Space stations[]
- Outpost 17 - Around the period between 2414 and 2416, Ed Mercer commuted daily to the Epsilon Eridani Station to oversee construction of this outpost.[51] This station is probably the same as the "Epsilon Eridani outpost" (see below).
- Outpost 23 - Ed Mercer and Gordon Malloy were to brief a tactical conference on their experiences aboard the Yakar at this outpost in June 2420.[16]
- This outpost is roughly 8,750 light years from Earth.[15]
- The outpost sent a message to the Orville that Ed and Gordon never arrived. (The two had crash-landed on the Chog homeworld.)[52]
- Outpost 30 - Having completed its analysis of the Septar binary system, the Orville set course for this outpost in December 2420.[29]
- Outpost 35 - The Orville picked up Vice Admiral Paul Christie from this outpost in 2422.[53]
- Outpost 47 - Near a planet or moon. This outpost had a deck with many shops and stores, including: Blavoraj's Horbalak Ice Cream [sic], Narvarian Dining [sic], Retepsian Fashions, Bruidian Millinery, and Xelayan Tomes - Rare Antiquities.[21]
- Outpost 49 - Roughly five days journey from the Gatria system or up to 1,622 light years from Earth. The Orville nearly stopped for repairs in November 2419.[12]
- Outpost 55 - Vice Admiral Paul Christie declined leave to Outpost 55, instead opting to accompany the Orville to the Naklav sector.[54]
- Outpost 58 - The Orville picked up their new dark matter cartographer, Lieutenant Janel Tyler, from this outpost. The Orville stopped at the outpost on its way to the planet Moclus.[55]
- The outpost has four docking wings, each with a Shuttle Bay.
- Outpost 73 - Gordon Malloy and Orrin Channing, both in their early twenties, were stationed on this outpost in c. 2400. Orrin was living there with his wife Sophie and their newborn daughter Leyna when the Krill made a surprise attack on the outpost. Orrin's wife and daughter were killed, and he himself was captured by the Krill after saving Gordon's life.[27]
- Outpost T85 - Admiral Tom Halsey recalled that Gordon Malloy drew a penis on its main viewing screen.[35]
- Station 794 (The Guide to The Orville: Outpost 794[56]) - Where Kelly Grayson was picked up by the Orville when she first joined as its Commander. Ed says it is "barely out of the way" of a journey from Earth to Epsilon 2.[35]
- "Moclan Dockyard" - Similar to the Union Dockyard, this facility in orbit of Moclus services vessels of both the Union Fleet and the local Moclan Fleet.
- Epsilon Eridani outpost - Located in Epsilon Eridani, Ed Mercer was the Commanding Officer of this outpost in an alternate timeline.[32] This outpost is probably Outpost 17 (see above).
Additionally, there were unidentified stations:
- Steve Newton transferred off the Orville to design a space station.[11]
- Orrin Channing met an Envall woman at an unnamed outpost.[27]
- Located at 0-0, mark-12 in space was an unidentified station in the Kalarr expanse belonged to the "Arachnid" pseudo-species. The station was 16.4 light years from a nearby cluster of stars and planets in the Naklav sector and about 30.6 light years from a star system within the expanse.[9]
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline in which the Kaylon won the Battle of Earth, they proceeded to wipe out half the known galaxy in less than nine months in 2421 as part of their campaign to exterminate all biological lifeforms.
Other galaxies[]
Based on the navigational bridge screen of the USS Orville, several galaxies are known to be used as reference points to coordinate the ship's relative position, they are CGCG-161, IC 6041-B, KUG 1285, NGC 4854, and NSC 4926A.[57]
Other realities[]
- A two-dimensional space was discovered by the USS Orville in late 2419.[11]
- Soon after, the Orville discovered a planet which uniquely existed in a multiphasic orbit. While relatively spending the majority of its existence in another universe, this planet periodically appears in our universe for a few days before returning to the other, where 700 years pass before it returns to our universe, only 11 days later from the Orville's perspective.[58]
- The Alibar, through the aid of the enormous Quantum Shifter, sent their entire system to an alternate universe in mid-2421. The other universe was previously entirely empty.[59]
Originally, creator Seth MacFarlane envisioned the Planetary Union to encompass more of the Milky Way galaxy, which is reflected in an early draft of Old Wounds where Ed states that the Union Fleet is spread over two quadrants. This was scaled back to one quadrant in the final version.
- The Regorians viewed the Universe as ordered and determined, which is why they strictly followed an astrological system to find meaning. "So you all just think the universe is chaos?" the First Prefect said to Ed. "No order? No significance to anything? I wouldn't want to be part of a community that believes that."[6]
- ↑ This is supposed because the Kalarr expanse stretches over half of the Naklav sector, and the expanse is measured at exactly 800 parsecs (or a little over 2,609 light years). Episode 3x02: Shadow Realms
- ↑ The same source contradicts itself. Both dates come from The Guide to The Orville. Page 19 states the Orville's maiden voyage was February 13, 2401. The fold-out map between pages 33 and 34 states the maiden voyage was November 17, 2400.
- ↑ Episode 2x05: All the World is Birthday Cake
- ↑ Ed Mercer calls it both in All the World is Birthday Cake.
- ↑ Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Episode 2x08: Identity, Pt. 1
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 19.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Episode 2x05: All the World is Birthday Cake
- ↑ Episode 1x01: Old Wounds
- ↑ Ed: "There shouldn't be any Krill in this sector." Episode 2x04: Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Episode 3x02: Shadow Realms
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Episode 1.5x03: The Word of Avis, Pt. 1
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Episode 1x11: New Dimensions
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Episode 1x05: Pria
- ↑ Gatria (Gamma Trianguli Australis) Star Facts. Universe Guide. Last accessed Oct.28, 2019.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 HR 5070. The Sky Live. Last accessed Nov. 4, 2020.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 This is because the magnetar AXP 1E 1048-59 is 9,000 light years from Earth, from which Outpost 23 is a day's journey. The top travel speed of the Orville is over 10 light years per hour (Episode 1x05: Pria), making the outpost approximately 8,750 light years from Earth.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Episode 1.5x01: New Beginnings, Pt. 1
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Episode 2x04: Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
- ↑ Episode 2.5x01: Launch Day, Pt. 1
- ↑ Episode 3x03: Mortality Paradox
- ↑ Episode 2.5x05: Digressions, Pt. 1
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Artifacts, Pt. 1
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 148.
- ↑ Episode 2x11: Lasting Impressions
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Episode 2x13: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
- ↑ Episode 3x05: A Tale of Two Topas
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 120.
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Episode 2x10: Blood of Patriots
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Episode 2x12: Sanctuary
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Episode 2x06: A Happy Refrain
- ↑ Episode 3x08: Midnight Blue
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Episode 1x02: Command Performance
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 32.2 Episode 2x14: The Road Not Taken
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Episode 1x06: Krill
- ↑ Episode 3x09: Domino
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 Episode 1x01: Old Wounds
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Episode 1x03: About a Girl
- ↑ Episode 3x10: Future Unknown
- ↑ Episode 1x09: Cupid's Dagger
- ↑ Episode 3x03: Mortality Paradox
- ↑ Episode 2.5x04: Heroes, Pt. 2
- ↑ Episode 2x02: Primal Urges
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 Episode 2.5x03: Heroes, Pt. 1
- ↑ Episode 3x06: Twice in a Lifetime
- ↑ Episode 1x07: Majority Rule
- ↑ Episode 3x07: From Unknown Graves
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 30.
- ↑ Episode 3x09: Domino
- ↑ Episode 3x05: A Tale of Two Topas
- ↑ Episode 1x10: Firestorm
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 Episode 1x04: If the Stars Should Appear
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pp. 57.
- ↑ Episode 1.5x02: New Beginnings, Pt. 2
- ↑ Episode 3x02: Shadow Realms
- ↑ Episode 3x02: Shadow Realms
- ↑ Episode 2x01: Ja'loja
- ↑ André Bormanis. The Guide to The Orville. Dark Horse Books. Sept. 2024. Pg. 76.
- ↑ @TomCostantino. "MORE - I was bored waiting on the bridge so I took this random picture @TheOrville S3. @joncassar 🎥@planetary_union @hulu 🚀👽🎬@SethMacFarlane #TheOrville👾". Twitter. Oct. 17, 2019.
- ↑ Episode 1x12: Mad Idolatry
- ↑ Episode 2.5x02: Launch Day, Pt. 2