Warden was the title of an unnamed Regorian man in charge of a detention camp for giliacs in the early 25th century. Most notably, he oversaw the imprisonment of two giliac aliens: First Officer Kelly Grayson and Second Officer Bortus.
In late 2420, Kelly and Bortus were imprisoned as giliacs, people born in the month of Giliac in the Regorian astrological calendar. The warden mocked the two as "giliac trash no matter where you're from" and a fistfight erupted. The warden regained control by firing his pistol, threatening them with death the next time they resist.
Around a month later, the Warden led an inspection of the barracks. He forced Kelly to say 'I'm Giliac trash' at gunpoint until his men discovered a newborn baby hidden under the barracks floorboards. Rokal admitted the baby was his and Ukania's, born under the sign of Wasanda, and the Warden took her. The event spurred Kelly and Bortus to revolt.
That night, the Warden drove into the prison camp to find Kelly and Bortus attacking the prison guards. The guards managed to subdue the two at gunpoint. He nearly executed them to set an example for the other prisoners, but the sudden appearance of a new star in the Giliac constellation (in fact a ruse created by the USS Orville) gave him pause. Kelly and Bortus were released shortly thereafter.
- The Warden might be married as Kelly said that she felt bad for his wife to be married to a man like him.