Xandia was a legendary folk hero among the Okudum people. The Okudum did not believe Xandia was a historical figure.[1]
Xandia was known as the "hero of the Okudum," and her story was famous among them. She was born as a farm girl at a time when the Okudum were ruled by the military dictatorship of another group of people. As an adult, she helped the Okudum rise up and free themselves.
Part of Xandia's story is preserved:
The general stood over the little girl and said, "Now you will get what you deserve." As the general brought his sword up, a voice came from above, and said, "What she deserves is an apology." The general and the little girl looked up, and standing on top of the building stood Xandia, hero of the Okudem.[2]
Xandia's design was created by artist David Cabeza, based a combination of Zorro and Catwoman. Her colors were black and burgundy. A trademark 'X' in burgundy is on her chest (her trademark is not obvious, however, because she is depicted in Aki's book only in black-and-white). Early designs had Xandia in a corset and shoulder sleeves, revealing the top of her chest, which was changed to something closer to a crop top.
Early designs also had stitching, mending tears along her clothes, giving her more of a rugged look.[3] However, in the finished publication, these stitches are not on Xandia's costume but Talla's.
- In mid-2421, Chief of Security Talla Keyali dressed up as Xandia to help free the Okudum from the Nazh.
- The roguish character of Xandia is believed to be based on the character of Zorro.
- Cabeza has confirmed that Xandia's look was inspired by Zorro and Catwoman.[3]
- Episode 2.5x03: Heroes, Pt. 1
- Episode 2.5x04: Heroes, Pt. 2 (mentioned only)